Hello: I’ve been using the ‘pkgutil’ extras module to install packages on some Solaris machines. Roles
I’ve been working with that use the module will fail if ‘/opt/csw/bin’ is not in the servers’ PATH environment variable.
It’s easy enough to work around by doing something like this in roles that depend on it:
- name: Install Nagios NRPE Server [Solaris]
pkgutil: name=CSWnrpe state=present
PATH: “{{ansible_env.PATH}}:/opt/csw/bin”
My question, though, is whether it would make sense to also supply a full path as a default in the module itself –
something like:
if not distutils.spawn.find_executable(cmd):
cmd = ‘/opt/csw/bin/pkgutil’
A quick look around similar modules suggest that it’s normal to supply a full path to the binary… for instance, in
the ‘yum’ module:
Given that ‘pkgutil’ is by default installed into a location (‘/opt/csw/bin’) that is not
in the system’s default PATH, wouldn’t it make sense to have the module either:
a) supply a default, rather than just assuming it’s available through the PATH?
b) Just specify a full path to begin with, as in the ‘yum’ example above?
I myself prefer (a). I’d gladly submit a pull request for this if it seems like a good idea.