Best way to add reusable provisioning steps to existing roles

What would be the best method to add reusable provisioning steps to existing roles? I am looking to try and accomplish the following:

  • Ideally this could be it’s own role, or in some way reusable so I could tie it to any role
  • It would pull in all the needed parameters from group or host vars
  • It would only be called if I sent something like ansible-playbook -e “provision=yes”, otherwise the role would run as written without provisioning an instance
  • I would like a way to easily extend this for additional providers (e.g. EC2, VMWare, GCE, etc)
    I have been able to add provisioning steps into an existing role by using a separate task, but I feel like there is a better and more reusable way to approach this. Please let me know if additional clarification is needed. Thanks.

I actually tackle this another way. I write provisioning playbooks
(not a role) that will create the server on the provider. And then
when it's finished, run some bootstrapping steps. After that is done,
use add_host to add it to the right group and then include the
role-level playbook.

This way the roles don't need to know anything about provisioning. The
step to provision new servers is a different command and as soon as a
server is provisioned it's handed off to the appropriate roles to get
it configured. And because our inventory is dynamic the new server
will be included in subsequent runs too.

Yep, use roles to describe the states and behaviors, and include those roles in multiple playbooks as appropriate.

If you have a configure.yml as a playbook, the “provision.yml” could just include it as the very last line of the playbook, making it easy to run things together using the “add_hosts” trick as described in (for example) the EC2 guide.

Thank you for the suggestions. I have implemented and tested them and it’s all working great.