Hi Ansible wizards!
I am currently working on few tasks in a playbook that are going to remove old files. There is a set number of files that I need to keep, say 3 (most recent), and the rest should be removed. I am doing some math magic in Ansible and some shell commands to achieve this. I can’t help but wonder, however, if this a “recommended” way of doing this kind of thing. It seems to me that I am doing too many tasks to achieve this and I begin to wonder if I am making this more complicated than it should be. Thanks in advance !!!
Here is what I have:
name: Get list of txt all files in the directory - done for visibility
cmd: “ls -t *.txt”
chdir: “{{a_dir}}”
register: list_all_files
name: Get total number of txt files in this dir
cmd: " ls -t *.txt | wc -l "
chdir: “{{a_dir}}”
register: total_number_files
Hi Ansible wizards!
I am currently working on few tasks in a playbook that are going to remove old files. There is a set number of files
that I need to keep, say 3 (most recent), and the rest should be removed. I am doing some math magic in Ansible and some
shell commands to achieve this. I can't help but wonder, however, if this a "recommended" way of doing this kind of
thing. It seems to me that I am doing too many tasks to achieve this and I begin to wonder if I am making this more
complicated than it should be. Thanks in advance !!!
Here is what I have:
-name: Get list of txt all files in the directory - done for visibility
cmd: "ls -t *.txt"
chdir: "{{a_dir}}"
register: list_all_files
- name: Get total number of txt files in this dir
cmd: " ls -t *.txt | wc -l "
chdir: "{{a_dir}}"
register: total_number_files
\- set\_fact:
number\_of\_files\_to\_keep: "3"
curr\_number\_files: "\{\{total\_number\_files\.stdout\}\}"
num\_files\_to\_remove: "\{\{\(total\_number\_files|int\) \- \(number\_of\_files\_to\_keep |int\)\}\}"
\- name: Store the files to be removed in a list
cmd: "ls \-t | tail \-\{\{num\_files\_toremove\}\}"
register: list\_files\_to\_remove
* Using shell module is bad practice (only needed in corner cases)
* List of files can be gathered by the find module
Yeah, that’s a big mess that avoids using most features that ansible provides. Even if you want to stick to the ls approach, there’s no reason to call it so many times.
name: Get list of all txt files in the directory
cmd: ls -t *.txt
chdir: “{{ a_dir }}”
register: list_all_files
name: Store the files to be removed in a list
list_files_to_remove: “{{ list_all_files.stdout_lines[(number_of_files_to_keep | int):] }}”
number_of_files_to_keep: “3”
More idiomatic would be to use the find module:
name: Find existing text files
path: “{{ a_dir }}”
pattern: “*.txt”
register: result
name: Remove all but 3 files
dest: “{{ item.path }}”
state: absent
loop: “{{ (result.files | sort(attribute=‘mtime’))[:-3] }}”