I'm new using Ansible but I'd like to start using best practices.
IMHO it's no best practice to fit all, it all comes down to what's best for you.
I know that Ansible uses YAML syntax files, not "Ansible format".
Well, that's not entirely correct, Ansible has two type of syntax YAML and key value.
Recommendation is to use YAML, but I use them both because key value is faster to write for short debug tasks.
This key value is faster to write
- debug: var=myvar
than this YAML
- debug:
var: myvar
Looking thru the docs, there are several documents using interchangeably
For example: using ansible_playbook <file>, <file> *must* include the
Most if not all Linux/Unix programs and that includes Ansible don't care about the file extension.
So you can call them whatever you like, officially I think the YAML people recommend .yaml as the extension.
What about some editors which colorizing the syntax.
Which extension it expects to have to properly identify the file ?
It depends on you editor I guess.
I'm using vim with this plugin[1] and configure it for .yml files that I use for Ansible, and for clean YAML files, aka not Ansible files, get the default vim YAML syntax setting.
[1] https://github.com/pearofducks/ansible-vim