benefit of Dynamic Inventory over static inventory

I have written dynamic inventory scripts . But I dont get whats the benefit of using dynamic inventory. I still had to list all the things which I used in static inventory. could you tell me in what way I can get most out of dynamic inventory. In what ways It is better to use, right now I dont think so

Well, dynamic inventories make sense when you have an external source
(cloud provider, vm system, db, inventory system, ldap, etc) not when
you are just listing the hosts manually. If that is the case just
stick with the ini format.

One added benifit of dynamic inventories is support for more complex facts. You can set lists and dictionaries as facts with a dynamic source, and you can't with the ini format. That said, it looks like in your case sticking with ini may be the way to go.

With both formats, you can do complex variables using the
host_vars/<hostname> group_vars/<groupname> with yaml files.