Basic help with roles and tasks

I’m attempting to using AWX to deploy some playbooks using Roles.

I’ve got a Project (‘webservers.git’) which I’m applying to an Inventory and it’s deploying the tasks held within it. But I want to migrate some of the tasks into a separate repository and reference them when needed using roles as they are pretty generic.

I’ve tried to RTFM, but I must be dim.

In my ‘webservers.git/roles/requirements.yml’ file I’ve got this. From the logs I can see this referenced ‘parent-roles.git’ is successfully being downloaded when the ‘webservers.git’ Project is synced (but not doing anything with it when it’s run against the Inventory).

I do not know if you did this or know this, but to install a role in AWX you need to log in to the awx_task container and install it there.