Azure - VNET resource group is not under VM resource group

Hi Team,

I’m just trying to provision an vm in azure but I see the following hurdles.

The current version of my ansible is ansible

The error which I undergo while creating an Vm is that " the network resource group is not under the VM resource group"?

I could see we have different resource groups for this and because of which I’m not able to proceed ahead… please assist…

TASK [Create VM] *******************************************************************************************************************************************************

fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “failed”: true, “msg”: “Error fetching network interface NIC_Ansibletest - Azure Error: ResourceNotFound\nMessage: The Resource ‘Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/NIC_Ansibletest’ under resource group ‘VM_RESOURCE_GROUP’ was not found.”}

to retry, use: --limit @/var/lib/awx/projects/azure/test.retry

Please note: I cannot upgrade my current ansible version too as this may impact and a time consuming process to get various approvals to get this done.