azure_rm_devtestlabvirtualmachnie VM Tags not functioning

Ansible 2.8.0
Python 3.6.8
azure-mgmt-devtestlabs 3.0.0

I am seeing behavior for azure_rm_devtestlabvirtualmachine where a VMs tags never get updated/appended or removed - the tags specified only get applied when first creating the VM which seems to run contrary to the spec.

The verbose output shows the correct tags which are different than what Azure UI shows, but
changed: false
I have also tested variations of the
append_tags: true|false

Neither seem to have any effect - false should remove tags, but has no effect. Below is the task example.


ad_user: “{{azure_ad_user}}”
state: present
auth_source: auto
cert_validation_mode: ignore
resource_group: “{{ azure_resource_group }}”
lab_name: “{{ azure_lab_name }}”
name: “{{ cli_vm_names }}”
disallow_public_ip_address: yes
vm_size: “{{ azure_vm_size }}”
os_type: windows
name: “mysubnet”
virtual_network_name: “mynet”
user_name: “{{ azure_vm_username }}”
password: “{{ azure_vm_pass }}”
notes: “{{ azure_vm_sku }}”
offer: “{{ azure_vm_offer }}”
publisher: “{{ azure_vm_publisher }}”
sku: “{{ azure_vm_sku }}”
os_type: “{{ azure_vm_os_type }}”
version: latest

  • source_name: Public Repo
    source_path: “/Artifacts/windows-firewall”
  • name: firewallOperation
    value: “Disable Firewall”
    append_tags: true
    allow_claim: false
    provisioned: “yes”
