AWX migration from 13 to 21.10

I’m trying to clone my gitlab repository into the AWX execution node (I’m just using the default Execution Environment).

In the below portion from my playbook, what is the correct way to:

  1. provide the path to the private ssh key required to authenticate with gitlab (in AWX I’ve created a gitlab source control credential as well as a custom credential (GITLAB_AUTH) both of which have the same SSH private key for the user ‘awx’). GITLAB_AUTH was added to the template in AWX that goes with this playbook (see my screenshot of custom cred config in my previous post)

  2. pick a destination directory for the git clone (In a previous task, I’ve tried to create this directory using the playbook, but it said I don’t have permission. I used ‘become’ and it said ‘sudo command not found’)

permissions-wise, maybe stick with the /tmp and create a subdirectory under there.

Or, create a custom EE with a directory you want to git clone to (with proper write permissions)

AWX Team

What difference does it make if I use the default EE like I’ve been doing or a custom EE? Either way, I’m assuming it’s still going to run the jobs in a separate ephemeral container, no?

Okay. I changed the destination directory to /tmp/network_device_configs as recommended. Also, it looks like I was able to get the playbook/template to pull the SSH private key (custom cred) while running the job, so that’s good. However, I’m getting this weird error (see attached). Any ideas? Thanks.


JSON_error.txt (14.3 KB)

I’m stuck. Not sure where to go from here. Any ideas?