Has anyone manage to migrate an awx 17.1.0 to a kubernetes version and get the project/jobs to work with the installed EE.
I’ve worked out and successfully upgrade a docker 17.1.0 awx install to 19.3.0. I’ve not been able to get any jobs/project to work with the install EE on a migrated instance. I can get the adhoc command to run on a newly create inventory so I know the EE works. I can’t get any job on an existing project to work with EE and I can’t get new project to work with the EE. Newly created project when attempted to sync with git/source control to pull the playbook errors with message about EE not set or missing. Is there a missing row in the existing db tables for migrate database that is required for EE to work? Is a parameter that isn’t present in a table for migrate docker installs?
Any help on getting the EE to work with a migrate docker instance to kube instance would be appreciated. Until I figure out how to get EE to work with an upgraded/migrated instance we’re stuck on 17.1.0.