AWX Localhost


Sur AWX sur une machine cible get_url fonctionne parfaitement.

En revanche, en localhost cela ne fonctionne pas.

voici mon inventaire sur awx :

Nom d’hôte : localhost

ansible_user: “ansible”
ansible_connection: “local”

ma tâche :

  • name: “Télécharger et dézipper un zip URL”
    url: http://…/
    dest: /home/user/
    remote_src: yes

Voici le message d’erreur :

fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “dest”: “…/test”, “gid”: 1003, “group”: “1003”, “mode”: “0755”, “msg”: “Connection failure: timed out”, “owner”: “1003”, “size”: 4096, “state”: “directory”, “uid”: 1003, “url”: “http://maven.pebsbuild01.emea.cegedim.grp/gis/gis-backoffice-distrib-ansible/18.jdk8-SNAPSHOT/”}

unarchive fonctionne également sur un hôte distant et non en localhost pourquoi ?

Je vous remercie de votre aide.

Connection failure: timed out

You’ll need to figure out why that is happening from the container that AWX is running in. Check up on your docker settings and make sure it can get through to whatever network is needed.


It can reach the required network since the other tasks run perfectly.

thank you for helping me please !!

Connection failure: timed out

It doesn’t look like that’s the case