Does anybody know how to properly configure AWX SAML authentication with Okta? I’m struggling with this matter because AWX (v15.0.1) shows me this in log file:
“ERROR social Authentication failed: SAML login failed: [‘invalid_response’] (There is no AttributeStatement on the Response).”
or this:
“WARNING awx.sso.backends Could not map user detail ‘first_name’ from SAML attribute ‘FirstName’; update SOCIAL_AUTH_SAML_ENABLED_IDPS[‘okta’][‘attr_first_name’] with the correct SAML attribute”
I’m not pretty sure how can I debug this. If anybody has some ideas, please help.
I would really like to see what you did… I have tried various ways and times to configure it.
These are my working settings:
SAML SERVICE PROVIDER PUBLIC CERTIFICATE: I’ve pasted here the PEM certificate attached to the load balancer in front of AWX.
SAML SERVICE PROVIDER PRIVATE KEY: I was never sure how this works or how it was used. As I didn’t have access to the private key of the certificate -because I was using a certificate from ACM- I’ve just pasted any private key created with openssl.
“en-US”: {
“name”: “any-org-name”,
“url”: “”,
“displayname”: “Whatever you want”