AWX failing to pick up inventory Variables

Hello, I am seeing an issue where inventory variables are not being picked up. Below is my tree but notice the “all” file has also been pasted into the inventory section inside AWX as group_vars in my tree are not picked up at all.

  • Custom* Roles within /roles are not picked up, I have to symlink them back via playbooks/roles

  • Roles within playbooks/roles, I am unable to un*lock any vaults using the “Ansible Vault” option within AWX.

This seem to be because “items” is deprecated

I’m having exactly the same issues as anthony.

I’m having to layout everything entirely different from the way I’ve had it working for 2 years with ansible CLI

very frustrating

If I work out how to get the inventory and group_vars to get read in, I’ll post back here.
