AWX Execution Environment image when used as Control Plane Execution Environment


I am working on migrating my team’s AWX deployment from 15.0.0 to 19.3.0. We use an image based on “ansible/ansible-runner:1.4.6” in an instance group in AWX 15.0.0 for playbook execution, containing Ansible version 2.9.24. I have built an Execution Environment image with Ansible Builder with the base image being “ansible-runner:stable-2.9-latest” in order to be able to have the same version of Ansible available for playbook development/execution (I don’t want to upgrade AWX and Ansible at the same time). This custom build Execution Environment works fine for the execution of playbooks, however when I set this image as the Control Plane Execution Environment (ie control_plane_ee_image in AWX Operator spec) the “ee” container fails to start.

Is there something ‘extra’ that needs to be built into the image used in Control Plane Execution Environment?

Below is my Ansible Builder definition


You can compare to the definition file for the awx-ee

The extra steps are mostly concerned with using it in “container group” jobs, but this is how AWX works so they may be needed.

Another thing I noticed is how the awx collection is required. This might provide tools to interact w/ AWX itself (esp w.r.t events when running playbooks , I am not sure)
