I’ve been reading through the AWX Logging docs and I can’t seem to find a one-to-one correlation between the logs available in Tower and those available in AWX.
I’m working with a system that picks up container logs from stdout/sterr. I was hoping to find that the loggers available in the external log aggregation services would also be available for tweaking in AWX – maybe by enabling/disabling each stream to stdout/stderr – but it doesn’t seem like this feature is available via the System Logging settings. Is there a way to get these loggers to spill their contents onto the container’s stdout/err via API or code? Or is the only way to use the loggers via an external logging service.
I noticed the API seems to provide some of the data via the /api/v2/activity_stream/ and /api/v2/job_events/ endpoints but these don’t seem to capture all the information the loggers can provide.
Maybe I can rephrase - it looks like AWX has loggers that can be easily turned on and off when sending logs to an external log collector. My question is, is it possible to turn these loggers on and off so that their contents show up on each container’s stdout/stderr?
Or maybe I’m just missing something and these loggers’ messages are already coming through stdout/stderr and I’m just having a hard time seeing the distinct loggers.
There apparently isn’t a way to redirect the loggers to a container’s standard out.
In the case where you are sending logs to an external log collector, the loggers job_status and awx don’t send any data. job_status has been found out and is being removed, see this github issue. Only system_tacking, activity_stream, and job_events relay data.
Another thing I found is the information on the system_tracking logger only logs updates to cached facts, as described in the last paragraph in the tower docs. It doesn’t look like scan modules shown as an example in the docs are supported anymore (playbooks running the example fail) and I can’t find reference to the modules in the modules shipped with Ansible 2.7. I’ll try to get around to submitting updates to the AWX docs when I can.