AWX & Cisco Tetration - Credentials & Inventory setup help


I am looking into using Ansible to automate requirements in Cisco Tetration. There are modules available to use which are note available in general Ansible releases (yet). I have managed to get the modules & tasks to execute successfully from my Ansible controller node, but would like to get this integrated into AWX/Ansible Tower.

From what I can see there is no Credential type I can use off the shelf to start with & that I may need to create a new credential type to achieve this. But i have never done this before & would like to know if it is my inexperience or something I am doing wrong to get this to work.

The playbooks use a simple a host & host_vars file to execute against, & I need to know how to make it work in AWX, if possible.

Any assistance would be appreciated in guiding me to a working solution.

hosts file



host_vars file: tetration.yml
