awx.awx.tower-settings and variable YAML keys

I’m writing a playbook to reproduce our awx installation, and part of that is configuring AD auth. However, part of that is the user mapping, which needs the organisation name as a key. Everywhere else, I’ve managed to keep that in the vars file, and out of the playbook, but Jinja2/ansible won’t process a dict key for substitution. What did anyone else do in this situation?

  • name: Configure AD Auth
    SOCIAL_AUTH_AZUREAD_OAUTH2_KEY: “{{ sp_client_id }}”
    SOCIAL_AUTH_AZUREAD_OAUTH2_SECRET: “{{ awx_ad_auth_token }}”
    “{{ awx.org_name }}”:
    users: “/[1].*?@company\.com$/”
    remove_users: True

  1. ^@ ↩︎