AWX architecture


I want to install AWX for production environment using Docker platform.

As a newbie, I’m wondering about the role of each AWX container : awx_web, awx_task, rabbitMQ and memcached
and how these containers interact with each other.

Thank you in advance,

On a basic level:

awx_web - web services that respond to web requests, including web socketsawx_task - runs tasks (via celery) either via launching commands from the web interface
or as part of schedules.
rabbitmq - our message bus, process events between awx_web and awx_task and
handles websocket messages
memcached - handles caching for some things

Hi @Matt,

Is there a diagram of what the AWX build is doing? I am running currently. Im looking to see how awx works. if there is a RP involved along with the containers.

Thanks in advance!!
