This meeting is open to everyone. We meet in the matrix room at 1:30pm US Eastern time on the fourth Thursday of each month to discuss topics related to the AWS collections
Please update the agenda below with items you wish to discuss. If you don’t show up for the meeting, your item will be skipped.
If you just want reviewers for your contribution, join us on:
We now use the Matrix meeting bot. Start the meeting with
!startmeeting Amazon Web Services Working Group
@room Meeting time! Who is here to talk about AWS?
Then as you progress, use !topic to start each main topic below
Then use ^info to summarize what is discussed, and ^action for any action items proposed.
When the meeting is done:
Find the meeting minutes autoposted to the Workflow and Logs category and add documentation tag.
Add a link to the minutes in the Meeting Minutes section below.
Review any action items from previous meeting and next releases cycle check-in
aws_ssm connection plugin - is in the list of modules that need to be promoted from to Proposal of potential modules to be promoted from · Issue #2394 · ansible-collections/ · GitHub. We would like to start with refactoring and were thinking about strategies to handle it. For example, would it make sense to create a feature branch dedicated to refactoring? This has some disadvantages because we would have to be careful and include every bugfix PR from the main branch.
Module’s promotion cadence.
Other Topics
Open Floor
Previous meeting minutes
2024-12-26 meeting canceled due to Christmas holidays
Hi all, thank you @hbailey for creating the event. I’m not sure you created a recurring one, I think you are missing that bit. I did approve the one for this month though and we can fix it.
There are different ways to add events and handle the agendas. Your topic made me realize we might need to review the suggestions and howto, so we have better guidance and provide a more consistent experience when generating meetings.
If you would like to create a top post like the one by the Docs group, you can use the following format at the beginning of your post:
And you need to add a [date] tag in the same post or in a following one, where you specify when the event will be, timezone and frecuency. For example, something like this:
AWS Working Group Meeting: [date=2023-10-26 time=13:30:00 timezone="America/New_York" recurring="1.months"]
The above includes a recurring event per month and it doesn’t have an end date.
We will try to get a guide about this or add it to the FAQ and tips next week.
@hbailey As @Leo said, you need the calendar block (that’s what displays the date items in the topic. I’ve also made the post a wiki, since you probably want people to add agenda items.
I don’t appear to have got the recurrence quite right though! Last-Thursday-of-the-month seems to be hard to get right, I’ll need to figure that out…
In general, any suggestions for improving the instructions over in Forum Guide & Feedback would be awesome, I’d like to make this easier for folks to set up
Thanks @Leo and @gwmngilfen for the help! Please do let me know if you figure out how to do a recurring event on the fourth Thursday of the month, I couldn’t figure it out either. Next month we are off schedule due to the US holiday anyway (and I expect December will also be off the usual cadence) so I can just add events manually for now.