AWS VPC inventory no public


So I would love to get the aws ec2 inventory working, but I cant seem to find a way to connect to my instances within a VPC subnet.

I changed the ec2.ini configuration to:


destination_variable = private_dns_name


so that now the command ‘ --list’ now finds the instances, but I still cant figure out a way to route the ansible ssh requests through my aliases/gateway configuration. If I just keep my aliases in my ~/.ssh/config and my hosts in the static ansible hosts file, it of course finds them ok. The servers’ names are the same as their alias in my ssh config and in the gateway forwarding, so if I could somehow modify the script to use their ‘Name’ tag instead of their private ip, I think it would work.

Assuming there is no easy way to do this, does anyone know which script / function or line in the I should modify to try to make it work?

Thanks for any help!

​That was the reason I wrote my one AWS inventory script. Its far from complete on some of the things I would like, but I’ve been using it for a few months now.

I’d be willing to share the script and minor configs required if you’d like.


This options makes the returned address of an instance to be an
internal IP in the
IP range of the subnet. Unless you are also running ansible from an
instance inside
the same subnet (or in one which can communicate with it), it won't work.

If you set this variable to 'public_dns_name' or 'ip_address' it
should enable you
to access the instances (given that you have the SSH port unblocked in the
instance's security group). Or you could use the SSH config's option
'ProxyCommand' to proxy the connection through a gateway, but personally
I think this later is not worth the effort (unless you're configuring
a private subnet).

Hey Mitch, that would be greatly appreciated! I was thinking one of the anisble pro’s would just be able to make it an option on the present ec2.ini script but I would definitely love to give yours a try. I will try to help out with any functionality…

Thanks a bunch,