AWS / Elastic Beanstalk? / Docker / Ansible .. orchestration?


I’m wondering how to orchestrate dockers, on AWS, via Ansible?

I currently manage my AWS infrastructure with Ansible (network, instances, volumes, groups, lb, etc) and manage deployments / upgrades to AWS via Ansible … and I’m interested in / thinking about utilising Dockers.

I can (via the Elastic Beanstalk GUI) create a docker app, with my own dockerfile, etc …

Is there an ElasticBeanstalk Ansible module?
Should dockers be controlled outside of AWS’, via libswarm perhaps?
Is this the wrong place to discuss this?
Should I just try solve smaller problems?

Yours Confused,

See for some links.

No, there’s no Beanstalk module

It would be trivial to get an ElasticBeanstalk-like environment up using Ansible. Use the ec2 module as per usual, but swap out ELB with haproxy, set up your own monitoring, etc.
I’d recommend investing in Ansible than wading through proprietary .ebextension, aws.json etc etc

There is an elasticbeanstalk module now!

So which module do you speak of? I ran across a few and would like recommendations…

This one:




would be so awesome to have an eb core module.
