authorized_keys module change

Hi All,

In my previous playbook, I had this:

- name: USERS | Authorized Key toevoegen aan ${item.username}
  action: authorized_key user=${item.username} key="$FILE(/etc/ansible/keys/${item.username}.pub)"
  with_items: $tomadmins
  when_set: $tomadmins
    - tomadmins

Which worked perfectly.

Now I see this has changed, so I tried this:

  • name: USERS | Authorized Key toevoegen aan ${item.username}

action: authorized_key user={{ item.username }} key=“{{ lookup(‘file’, ‘/etc/ansible/keys/{{ item.username }}.pub’) }}”

with_items: $tomadmins


  • tomadmins

But now it comes with this error:

TASK: [USERS | Authorized Key toevoegen aan ${item.username}] *****************

fatal: [tom2prap03] => /etc/ansible/keys/{{item.username}}.pub does not exist

FATAL: all hosts have already failed – aborting

Any suggestions much apreciated.


The new variable stuff referencing of {{ myvar }} only works with 1.2, so make sure you are using the current devel branch. Prior to 1.2 (devel), you need to be using $myvar still.

Upgraded this morning :wink:

mmaas@pmgtansible:~/playbooks$ ansible --version
ansible 1.2

So that’s not it :wink:

Drat! :wink:

Maybe you need some quoting around the variable since that encapsulated by another set of {{ in regards to the lookup.


  • name: USERS | Authorized Key toevoegen aan ${item.username}
    action: authorized_key
    user={{ item.username }}
    key=“{{ lookup(‘file’, ‘/etc/ansible/keys/’{{ item.username }}‘.pub’) }}”
    with_items: $tomadmins
  • tomadmins

Gives me this error now:

TASK: [USERS | Authorized Key toevoegen aan ${item.username}] *****************

failed: [xxxxxxx] => (item={‘username’: ‘hmeijer’, ‘group’: ‘hmeijer’, ‘uid’: 510, ‘gecos’: ‘Herman Meijer’, ‘groups’: ‘xxxx’, ‘password’: None}) => {“failed”: true, “item”: {“gecos”: “Herman Meijer”, “group”: “hmeijer”, “groups”: “fam”, “password”: null, “uid”: 510, “username”: “hmeijer”}}

msg: Failed to lookup user {{item.username}}: ‘getpwnam(): name not found: {{item.username}}’

failed: [xxxxxxx] => (item={‘username’: ‘fam’, ‘group’: ‘fam’, ‘uid’: 504, ‘gecos’: ‘Fam User’, ‘groups’: ‘xxxx’, ‘password’: None}) => {“failed”: true, “item”: {“gecos”: “Fam User”, “group”: “fam”, “groups”: “users”, “password”: null, “uid”: 504, “username”: “fam”}}

msg: Failed to lookup user {{item.username}}: ‘getpwnam(): name not found: {{item.username}}’

FATAL: all hosts have already failed – aborting

Looks like here’s your problem, you can’t nest template variables (and don’t have to):

If you want to use the new syntax, change:

key=“{{ lookup(‘file’, ‘/etc/ansible/keys/’{{ item.username }}‘.pub’) }}”


key=“{{ lookup(‘file’, ‘/etc/ansible/keys/’ + item[‘username’] + ‘.pub’) }}”

Though our intent is to keep both mechanisms working so nobody has a forced syntax change.
Very important :slight_smile:

can you try

with_items: tomadmins


with_items: ‘{{ tomadmins }}’

also the paste the tomadmins list. and maybe also a debug output -vv

  • Benno

Closer I guess:

TASK: [USERS | Authorized Key toevoegen aan ${item.username}] *****************


EXEC /bin/sh -c ‘mkdir -p $HOME/.ansible/tmp/ansible-1368449027.57-41569896691629 && echo $HOME/.ansible/tmp/ansible-1368449027.57-41569896691629’

REMOTE_MODULE authorized_key user=hmeijer key=

PUT /tmp/tmp0bElUj TO /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-1368449027.57-41569896691629/authorized_key

EXEC /bin/sh -c ‘sudo -k && sudo -H -S -p “[sudo via ansible, key=ljwyeixjzmyrddqpiwztitabnvqwtqjo] password: " -u root /bin/sh -c '”’“‘/usr/bin/python /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-1368449027.57-41569896691629/authorized_key; rm -rf /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-1368449027.57-41569896691629/ >/dev/null 2>&1’”‘"’’

fatal: [tom2prap03] => failed to parse: Traceback (most recent call last):

File “/root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-1368449027.57-41569896691629/authorized_key”, line 1116, in ?


File “/root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-1368449027.57-41569896691629/authorized_key”, line 218, in main

results = enforce_state(module, module.params)

File “/root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-1368449027.57-41569896691629/authorized_key”, line 193, in enforce_state

writekeys(module, keyfile(module, user, write, path, manage_dir), keys)

File “/root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-1368449027.57-41569896691629/authorized_key”, line 164, in writekeys

module.atomic_replace(tmp_path, filename)

AttributeError: ‘AnsibleModule’ object has no attribute ‘atomic_replace’

FATAL: all hosts have already failed – aborting

With this code:

  • name: USERS | Authorized Key toevoegen aan ${item.username}

action: authorized_key

user={{ item.username }}

key=“{{ lookup(‘file’, ‘/etc/ansible/keys/’ + item[‘username’] + ‘.pub’) }}”

with_items: $tomadmins


  • tomadmins

But we’re getting closer :wink:

can you try

with_items: tomadmins


with_items: ‘{{ tomadmins }}’

Same error (As in: “AttributeError: ‘AnsibleModule’ object has no attribute ‘atomic_replace’”)

also the paste the tomadmins list. and maybe also a debug output -vv

Example bit for the tomadmins variable:

  • username: hmeijer
    gecos: ‘Herman Meijer’
    group: hmeijer
    groups: fam
    uid: 501

  • username: fam
    gecos: ‘Fam User’
    group: fam
    groups: staff
    uid: 504

The previous code worked btw, but since I upgraded to 1.2 this morning, it no longer does so.

Quick note:

with_items: foo

is all you ever need

with_items: “{{ foo }}”

is legal, but just unnecessary punctuation :slight_smile:

Ansible will convert one to the other internally, automatically.

You have an install that is somehow mixed up, probably from doing a “make install” or having cruft in your library directory.

Clean out your library directory or make sure you are running from source using ./hacking/env-setup

We’re obviously still developing 1.2 so the system is not yet coded to prefer modules in subdirectories to ones at top level, thus it is probably finding your 1.1 module you had previously installed.

Yep that was it!

I moved the old ansible directory completely out of the way, and did the make install again:

mv /usr/share/ansible{,.bak}; sudo make install

Thanks loads!
