I’m using the authorized_key module in my ansible user role.
As some user aren’t ssh key yet, I would like that by default this key is not created and the task escaped.
I’ve seen that the key string is required by this module.
Is means that I cannot put a false default value?
Here’s my main task:
- name: “add public keys to users”
user: ‘{{ item.name }}’
key: ‘{{ item.ssh_key }}’
ignore_errors: yes
with_items: ‘{{ user }}’
Here’s the definition yaml file:
- name: ‘bob’
password: “{{ bob_pass }}”
comment: ‘Bob McKenzie’
uid: ‘2000’
group: ‘bob’
groups: ‘wheel’
shell: ‘/bin/bash’
state: “{{ ‘present’ if bob_pass else ‘absent’ }}”
ssh_key: “{{ bob_key | default(false) }}”
The bob_key is define in an another yaml variable file.
Here’s the error:
[WARNING]: The value False (type bool) in a string field was converted to ‘False’ (type string). If this does not look like what you expect, quote the entire value to ensure it does not change.
failed: [localhost] (item={‘name’: ‘tzdkom’, ‘password’: …
… “msg”: “invalid key specified: False”}
Is the variable ssh_key: “{{ bob_key | default(false) }}” wrong ?
Could you please explain me this?
Has someone an idea to bypass this problem when no ssh_key exist?
Thanks and best regards,