Authentication failed: SAML login failed

I’m switching from the LDAP to SAML authentication and getting this error message:
Authentication failed: SAML login failed: [‘invalid_response’] (The response was received at https://awxurl:8052/sso/complete/saml/ instead of https://awxurl/sso/complete/saml/).

Looks like docker’s container port is getting appended to the URL.

Does anyone know how to fix it?


Looks like the same question here:!searchin/awx-project/saml$208052%7Csort:date/awx-project/aQTtlsm6Zlc/f7R8ePlJBAAJ
and never was answered… I also use nginx for SSL part.

Got it to work using this post:

Just in case If anyone needs it: I’m running AWX 4.0.0 in the docker containers. In my case it was enough to add one missing parameter to the proxy configuration:


proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Port 443;


We had fixed the same via F5 load balancer.

Raja V