I’m looking to call groups of roles at the same time in an asynchronous fashion, but have yet to figure out how to do so. My playbook is relatively simple:
- hosts: “{{ host_group }}”
remote_user: “{{ release_user }}”
serial: 99
- release_vars.yml
{ role : release_copy_srl_files, when : dmgr != ‘yes’ }
{ role : release_copy_reporting_jars, when : reportingServer == ‘true’ }
{ role : release_deploy_portal_ears, when : dmgr == ‘yes’ }
{ role : release_deploy_portal_paa, when : primaryNode == ‘true’ }
{ role : release_deploy_portal_paa, when : secondaryNode == ‘true’ }
{ role : release_deploy_appserver_ears, when : dmgr == ‘yes’ }
{ role : release_start_checkout_IHS, when : ihs_checkout == ‘true’ }
No host will have multiple conditions met in the when statements. Being able to run these simultaneously would save about the amount of time that it’d take to have a human do the job, so the goal is to optimize this playbook to the extent that we can.
Any suggestions?