async tasks not following remote_tmp settings


I think I’m having the same issue reported in #10054, but using Ansible-2.3.0.

A little background: I’m running an Ansible playbook on remote systems where the root directory (which includes /home dirs) is in read-only mode, so I changed the configuration for running the playbook as follows:


ansible_managed = Ansible managed: last seen on %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S

/home dirs are not writable. Use /tmp instead

local_tmp = /tmp
remote_tmp = /tmp


pipelining = True
ssh_args = -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=60s -o ConnectTimeout=30

I’m trying to run some tasks asynchronously, but they all fail with this error message: “could not create: /home/user/.ansible_async”, so it seems like the remote_tmp setting is ignored in async tasks.

Does anybody have the same issue as me?

Created new issue #28318.