Assistance with sefcontext module


I am attempting to convert a task that currently use shell to use
sefcontext module and its not working as documented. Have anyone
previously used this module successfully? Below is my intention and

The current working solution
chcon -R -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t {{svn_root}}/projects

The task that are currently not working
    - name: Set http security context
      sefcontext: setype=httpd_sys_content_t
target='{{svn_root}}/projects(/.*)?' state=present
         - selinux_svn

    - name: set context that enables commits over http
      sefcontext: setype=httpd_sys_rw_content_t
target='{{svn_root}}/projects(/.*)?' state=present
         - selinux_svn

The result of running above task in verbose mode

TASK [svn : Set http security context]