Hey Guys,

Need some help … been trying to place multiple tasks in one block with tags but I keep getting an error include task files must contain a list of tasks…

Below is one of my ansible block …

hosts: local

  • Local

  • Preparation local

  • block:

  • name: check if directory path “{{store_files_path}}” is empty
    shell: test “$(ls “{{store_files_path}}/”)”
    register: OldfilesPresent
    changed_when: false

  • name: Delete old files
    when: “OldfilesPresent.rc !=0”
    state: absent
    path: “{{store_files_path}}/”
    register: OldfilesDeleted

  • name: Create Directory “{{store_files_path}}”
    when: “OldfilesDeleted.rc !=0”
    state: directory
    path: “{{store_files_path}}”

Error is include task files must contain a list of tasks

The offending line appears to be:

hosts: local
^ here

Also is there a way that I can post code here nicely, like code snippets. Am new on google groups.

Also does anyone know of a vscode extension that will assist on the indentations format.

I have also gone through the ansible doc user guide and I have tried every but I keep getting errors on the block.

Kind regards,


You do not need hosts if this is just an include file. Also, tags should be in the main play. Below is an example:

- name: Dynamic re-use of database tasks
  include_tasks: db.yml
  tags: db

So you would remove this:

hosts: local
    - Local
    - Preparation local
    - block:

Then move all of your task over to left.

Okay, let me give that a try then update you, and should I separate each block tasks into their own include files ??

Only if they are separate tags.