Hello everybody!
Here’s the thing! I add the Wheezy Backports repo to a newly provisioned VPS and want to do a safe-upgrade before doing anything else. My corresponding lines in the playbook look like this:
name: Add Wheezy Backports
apt_repository: repo=‘deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian wheezy-backports main’ state=present update_cache=yes
tags: -
name: Initial safe-upgrade of the system (from wheezy-backports)
apt: upgrade=safe default_release=wheezy-backports update_cache=yes
tags: -
From where I’m standing, this should translate to “aptitude safe-upgrade -t wheezy-backports”. But it doesn’t seem to include the backports! Or I’m missing something! Same goes for apt: upgrade yes, full, or dist. If I’m ssh’ing to the box and running “aptitude safe-upgrade -t wheezy-backports” I’m getting quite a few upgardable packages…
Thanks in advance!