APT module is failing with sudo on Mac 10.9.X control machine

For last 2 days, i have been struggling with a rather puzzling issue. I have installed/uninstalled ansible multiple times suspecting it might be the issue with the installation itself. But all in vain. I tried multiple versions of ansible already in ubuntu but no issue as such. Please help

~/a/p/statserver git:master ❯❯❯ cat hosts ✱ :black_medium_square: ansible_ssh_port=22
~/a/p/statserver git:master ❯❯❯ cat test.yml ✱ :black_medium_square:

IMHO “sudo_user: vagrant” means that you’re running “sudo -u vagrant …”, therefore you’re not running this command as root.
Try to remove the “sudo_user:” from your playbook.



:slight_smile: yeah that did it. How could I have missed it !!! Thanks for the clarification.