Assume the following line:
vif = ['mac=00:21:f6:04:16:f3,bridge=101498d8ff', 'mac=00:21:f6:80:0b:d9,bridge=1017dc5841']
If I use lineinfile, replace, etc to do a regular expression match, can I somehow apply the following to each instances (instead of just once for both instances):
regexp: (vif\W+)?((?:, )?'mac=00:21:f6:)((\w{2}:?){3})(,bridge=\w+')(?:])? line: \1\2AA:{{ 99 | random(start=10, step=1) }}:{{ 99 | random(start=10, step=1) }}\5
Regexp Testing link:
Desired (As shown above, keep first three octets of mac, change 4th to AA, and the last two are random numbers between 10-99):
vif = ['mac=00:21:f6:AA:21:56,bridge=101498d8ff', 'mac=00:21:f6:AA:17:27,bridge=1017dc5841']
Actual (notice that they are both the same–which is what I don’t want)
vif = ['mac=00:21:f6:AA:58:16,bridge=101498d8ff', 'mac=00:21:f6:AA:58:16,bridge=1017dc5841']
As I think about it I don’t know of a way to do this within a single task. Possibly in 2 tasks or more, but that number of vifs will vary from time to time. It may be anywhere from 1-5 possibly.