Appending multiple values to same cell in csv ansible

Hi All,

I am trying to append multiple values in same cell csv but not getting through.Could someone help here?

Current output:

Hostname Disk Info
testserver sdd: 1.00 Gbsde: 1.00 Gb

Expected output:

Hostname Disk Info
testserver sdd: 1.00 Gb
sde: 1.00 Gb


  • set_fact:
    my_devices: “{{ ansible_devices.keys()|select(‘match’, ‘^sd(.*)$’)|list }}”

  • name: show templating results
    disk_size: “{{ lookup(‘template’, ‘template-test.j2’) }}”

  • set_fact:
    csv_data: “{{ inventory_hostname }}, {{ disk_size }}”

  • lineinfile:
    path: /tmp/disks_info.csv
    insertafter: EOF
    line: “{{ csv_data }}”
    create: yes
    state: present
    mode: 0777
    connection: local


{%- for dev in my_devices -%}
{{ dev }}: {{ ansible_devices[dev].size }}
{%- endfor -%}


Hi All,

I am trying to append multiple values in same cell csv but not getting through.Could someone help here?ne

lineinfile is certainly not the best solution to create from scratch. Try to write a template with a nested
for loop over servers and devices. That way it would be a single task.
