APM Module for installing Atom Packages

I wrote this apm (Atom Package Manager) module to allow me to easily synchronise what Atom packages I have installed on my work and personal laptop.

I was wondering if this would be a useful addition to ansible-modules-extra? If so I’ll make some effort to polish it up.


Forgot to mention that I also wrote a module which allows you to change gnome settings using gsettings. Although once again, it requires a bit of work to get polished up.

Here it is: https://github.com/MichaelAquilina/ubuntu-ansible/blob/master/library/gsettings

Nice work.

Is the gsettings module still working? However my settings would not be applied.

Hi Thomas,

Could you give me an example of how you are trying to use it?

Here's an example of use here

I should probably point out that I'm currently using Ansible 1.9.4 so it's
possible there's a bug on newer versions (in which case I'll fix it).
