Any ideas on how to best handle large bundle installs? Increase output?

For example, I would love to write a module (if there’s no easy way to do this) that would effectively get the list of gems I need and then install them from that list, thus my my output would be more like:

TASK: [ruby | get ruby requirements] **************************************
changed: [default]

TASK: [ruby | installing requirements] ************************************
changed: [default] => (item=haml)
changed: [default] => (item=timecop, version=0.3.1)
changed: [default] => (item=spring, version=1.3.4)


Rather than my current output which is just:

TASK: [ruby | bundle install ruby requirements] *************************** changed: [default]

This isn’t entirely an ansible issue, more of an I'm not a Ruby dev and I encountered this issue and I have no idea how to use bundle to get me the information that I need so that I can capture that list and use it within a task, with a with_items`. That being said, there’s probably some ruby devs here that might know. But that’s just a theory. It might be possible to do something else with a module. I just don’t like it when you setup a super large app and it takes a long time to bundle install and I have no idea what’s going on. I don’t want all of stdout but I do want to know which packages it has/is installing.

Any ideas?