'AnsibleError: unable to process as utf-8


I am trying to setup a playbook for automating an installation.

While transferring a file (binary response file) through template module, getting following error.

fatal: [xxxx.xxxx.local] => {'msg': 'AnsibleError: unable to process as utf-8: /etc/ansible/ORA_Patch/templates/ocm_12cLinux_PSU_Jan2016.rsp', 'failed': True}

Any advice on this please.


Ansible does not currently handle non-ut8 data in playbooks or most of
its text-processing modules. template would fall under the latter
category. Due to the way jinja2 works it may be that template (which
is a jinja2 template) may never handle that. If you tell us what
you're attempting to do we might be able to help you find an alternate
method of doing it. You may have to resort to using command: and
basic unix tools in the workaround, though.


Thanks Toshio. In that case I can workaround with “copy” module.