Ansible - write only specific output

How do you write to a file the output of a yaml?

If possible, how do you only write to a file specific info if?



You must create file with extension .yml and beginning this file with “—” at the top.
It’s simply.

And launch file with line command “ansible-playbook my_file.yml”

This answer answers your question ?


Thanks I do have the “—” at the top
When I run t he ansible-playbook how do get all that info to write to a file?
It only shows up on the cli which I know I can copy and paste to a file, but would like to output to a file



If you want include task in your playbook, you must only do it :

- include_task: /my_path/…/…/my_file_externe.yml

This answer answers your question ?


There’s nothing in the ansible CLI that supports explicitly dumping the output to a file. You could just use a simple shell redirect.

$ ansible -i inventories/aws -m setup all > host-facts.yaml

It’s worth noting that the CLI’s output doesn’t make a distinction between failed plays or tasks in terms of shell standard in/standard out, all the output goes to standard out (unless it’s something to do with command line parsing or something lower-level than play execution).

So for example if I remove a pubkey on a host and run the setup module to gather facts, all the output goes to STDOUT:

xx.xx.xx.xx | UNREACHABLE! => {
“changed”: false,
“msg”: “Failed to connect to the host via ssh: ec2-user@xx.xx.xx.xx: Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic).\r\n”,
“unreachable”: true
yy.yy.yy.yy | SUCCESS => {
“ansible_facts”: {
“ansible_all_ipv4_addresses”: [



Thanks to all who responded.

The example below is a yaml file to gather data from a Juniper Networks Switch device.
How would you do it this?

  • name: Get Facts
  • Juniper.junos
    connection: local
    gather_facts: no
  • name: ADMUSER
    prompt: Username
    private: no
  • name: ADMPASS
    prompt: password
    private: yes
  • name: Retrieve LLDP Neighbor Information Using PyEZ-included Table
    file: “lldp.yml”
    table: “RouteTable”
    host: ‘{{ inventory_hostname }}’
    user: ‘{{ ADMUSER }}’
    passwd: ‘{{ ADMPASS }}’
    port: 830
    register: response
  • name: Print response
    var: response
  • copy: content=“{{ your_json_feed }}” dest=/etc/ansible/file-1


I’ve seen this use case before. It’s easier to build the reporting directly into the playbook. You can, for exmaple, create a template that will print what you want for each managed host, and assemble the pieces later: