Ansible windows unzip module is failing, how to fix that?

My task part of playbook.

  • name: unzip mavenwin_unzip:
    src: C:\tools\
    dest: C:\tools\maven
    recurse: yes
    delete_archive: yes


TASK [unzip maven] ******************************************************************************************* [WARNING]: ansible_winrm_cert_validation unsupported by pywinrm (is an up-to-date version of pywinrm installed?) [WARNING]: ansible_winrm_cert_validation unsupported by pywinrm (is an up-to-date version of pywinrm installed?) fatal: [build-machine3]: FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “dest”: “C:\tools\maven”, “msg”: “PowerShellCommunityExtensions PowerShell Module (PSCX) is required for non-‘.zip’ compressed archive types.”, “removed”: false, “src”: “C:\tools\”} fatal: [build-machine2]: FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “dest”: “C:\tools\maven”, “msg”: “PowerShellCommunityExtensions PowerShell Module (PSCX) is required for non-‘.zip’ compressed archive types.”, “removed”: false, “src”: “C:\tools\”}

So added the PSCX part before it.

  • name: Install PSCX
    name: Pscx
    state: present

But, got below error now related to Pscx.

TASK [Install PSCX] ****************************************************************************************** [WARNING]: ansible_winrm_cert_validation unsupported by pywinrm (is an up-to-date version of pywinrm installed?) [WARNING]: ansible_winrm_cert_validation unsupported by pywinrm (is an up-to-date version of pywinrm installed?) fatal: [build-machine3]: FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “msg”: “Problems installing Pscx module: The following commands are already available on this system:‘gcb,Expand-Archive,Format-Hex,Get-Hash,help,prompt,Get-Clipboard,Get-Help,Set-Clipboard’. This module ‘Pscx’ may override the existing commands. If you still want to install this module ‘Pscx’, use -AllowClobber parameter.”, “nuget_changed”: false, “output”: “”, “repository_changed”: false} fatal: [build-machine2]: FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “msg”: “Problems installing Pscx module: The following commands are already available on this system:‘gcb,Expand-Archive,Format-Hex,Get-Hash,help,prompt,Get-Clipboard,Get-Help,Set-Clipboard’. This module ‘Pscx’ may override the existing commands. If you still want to install this module ‘Pscx’, use -AllowClobber parameter.”, “nuget_changed”: false, “output”: “”, “repository_changed”: false}

Please suggest.

Try to update the below one in your inventory file and try to execute



Update the pywinrm and check again.

It is not relevant at all to the question I posted.Please read it once

Hi Uday,

Have you got the fix ? I am facing same.
