Ansible, windows, and package management

I find package management on Windows convoluted.

Is there a strategy for managing packages with Ansible when the packages install into the user’s home profile?

When I attempt to uninstall a package that installs into a user’s home profile with Ansible as Administrator things fail.

Tried using chocolatey with win_choco?

Yes, for packages in the chocolatey repository.

What version of Ansible are you using? Do you have an example of the inventory and playbook results?

Package management on Windows is pretty poor, Microsoft does not have an official way of doing things like yum/apt/dnf. Using win_chocolatey is the best and easiest way forward but unfortunately not every package has been made to a high standard so you get some problems there. I usually find, running win_chocolatey with become solves the majority of the issues with the module as it runs like would if you were to do it manually on the host.

