Ansible version age warning when using devel

This falls under the nice to have category, but I can see it saving users debugging time to have a simple, periodic warning about the age of your local ansible checkout being greater than some threshold (for people running off of devel) in relation to what’s on github. This is in response to the velocity at which ansible changes, and I’ve noticed a couple occurrences of this in my team where modifications to a playbook break on someone’s machine because their version is too old.

The aforementioned threshold, would ideally be adjustable, but 3 weeks sounds like a reasonable starting place. And it doesn’t have to check every playbook run, just something so that users are occasionally reminded of their copy of ansible become very out of date without getting in the way or being overly complex.

Oh and because I don’t think it gets said enough, keep up the good work everyone involved with this project!