Hi Team,
I am using ansible vault to encrypt an string and place the string in a file called vault.yml
somthing like
name1: value1 where value1 is an encrypted string.
dbUser: PlainUser
dbPasswd: vault |
$ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256 63633363616165656538656537323835343634633063386137353637646663333939623464666437 6263383933656635316436313934366564316337623435350a386362613838373363393534383232 39663162363066313431623466363763356466376538613532333731613538373431623239626330 6463373238366630360a6235666165353763393264313634656634316234623562386363333066636439
I am trying to read this value from jenkins pipeline but it fails to retrive as it contains multilines.
how can we read multiline values from the files in jenkins pipelines using groovy script