I’m running 2.4.0 and trying to encrypt a file with ansible-vault. In past versions of Ansible, this command would prompt to create a vault password to encrypt the file:
C02NVAEGG3QJ:playbooks mullenma$ ansible-vault encrypt test.yml
Usage: ansible-vault encrypt [options] file_name
encryption/decryption utility for Ansible data files
–ask-vault-pass ask for vault password
-h, --help show this help message and exit
the new vault identity to use for rekey
new vault password file for rekey
–output=OUTPUT_FILE output file name for encrypt or decrypt; use - for
–vault-id=VAULT_IDS the vault identity to use
vault password file
-v, --verbose verbose mode (-vvv for more, -vvvv to enable
connection debugging)
–version show program’s version number and exit
See ‘ansible-vault --help’ for more information on a specific
ERROR! A vault password is required to use Ansible’s Vault
I also tried to utilize the create keyword, with similar results:
C02NVAEGG3QJ:playbooks mullenma$ ansible-vault create test.yml
Usage: ansible-vault create [options] file_name
encryption/decryption utility for Ansible data files
–ask-vault-pass ask for vault password
-h, --help show this help message and exit
the new vault identity to use for rekey
new vault password file for rekey
–output=OUTPUT_FILE output file name for encrypt or decrypt; use - for
–vault-id=VAULT_IDS the vault identity to use
vault password file
-v, --verbose verbose mode (-vvv for more, -vvvv to enable
connection debugging)
–version show program’s version number and exit
See ‘ansible-vault --help’ for more information on a specific
ERROR! A vault password is required to use Ansible’s Vault
Is there something I am missing, or is this not working correctly?