Ansible vars_prompt with_items and split

I want to pass multiple switch IP’s and single port number using vars_prompt to perform the task on single port. I used with_items: “{{ip_addr.split(‘,’)}}”. But when i am passing multiple IP the task is not performing, when i try to pass single IP. The task performs successfully.

- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: no
  - name: ip_addr
    prompt: Please enter the switch name
    private: no
  - name: port_name
    prompt: Please enter the port name
    private: no

    - ../vars/password.yml

    port_speed: "8"

  - add_host:
      name: "{{ip_addr}}"
      groups: dynamically_created_hosts
    with_items: "{{ip_addr.split(',')}}" 
  - name: Change port speed
      switch_ip: "{{ip_addr}}"
      user: "{{user}}"
      password: "{{password}}"
      checkmode: "{{ansible_check_mode}}"
      name: "{{port_name}}"
      speed: "{{port_speed}}"

with_items returns a variable containing the value.
So your name: need to be
  name: "{{ item }}"

I have tried with name: “{{ item }}” still the same issue.

When i tried with this with_items: “{{ip_addr.split(’ ')}}”
giving space it is executing on first IP address.