Ansible Tower: Passing extra variables from one workflow template to other

Ansible 2.9.2
Tower 3.6.1

There are two Bitbucket repositories viz. bitbucketconfigurator and sonarconfigurator which contain playbooks to configure Bitbucket and Sonarqube projects, respectively. Here, showing just the bitbucketConfigurator**:**

In the above project, there is a group_vars/all yaml file as follows**(note the entry bitbucket_token: “{{ PAT_admin_admin }}”):**


Defaults used for branch access and restrictions

Global vars used for rest api

bitbucket_base_url: ‘
bitbucket_rest_base_endpoint: ‘rest/api/1.0/projects’
bitbucket_rest_url: “{{ bitbucket_base_url }}/{{ bitbucket_rest_base_endpoint }}”
bitbucket_branch_rest_endpoint: “rest/branch-permissions/2.0/projects”
bitbucket_branching_url: “{{ bitbucket_base_url }}/rest/branch-utils/1.0/projects”
sonar_for_bitbucket_base_endpoint: ‘rest/sonar4stash/1.0/projects’
bitbucket_token: “{{ PAT_admin_admin }}”
bitbucket_rest_api_latest: ‘rest/api/latest’
bitbucket_project_name_lc: “{{ | lower }}”
bitbucket_repository_name_lc: “{{ | lower }}”

The list of job templates, an example is shown further, below:

As an example, let’s consider the bb_configure job template I am using ‘Extra Variables’ to pass a yml file/dictionary e.g:

Here is the list of all the workflow templates, I will summarize their usage subsequently:

I tested the bitbucketconfigurator playbooks in a single workflow viz. wt-bitbucket. It runs successfully. Note that it uses no-arg versions of the individual playbooks i.e the config yaml file is passed to the wt-bitbucket and NOT the individual playbooks.

In the above workflow template, the extra vars are used:

Now, I am using the wk_onboarding_pipeline as a ‘master’ workflow template which invokes the no-arg versions of the workflow templates:

This ‘master’ template now has the config yaml file, also, note the entry PAT_admin_admin:

When I run this ‘master’ template, the first playbook of the first workflow template fails as it is unable to access the ‘PAT_admin_admin’ passed in the extra vars.

Am I making a mistake in the invocation or have I incorrectly configured the workflow templates within a workflow template?

In case the images seem to be a trouble, the post is duplicated on Stackoverflow.