Ansible Tower Install Fails

The Installation seems to fail at the create the rabbit mq user step (last step)

  • Using root
  • Put passwords into inventory as the readme states.
    Am i missing something?

[root@localhost ansible-tower-setup-3.1.3]# ./
Using /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg as config file

PLAY [tower:database] **********************************************************

TASK [check_config_static : Ensure expected variables are defined] *************
skipping: [localhost] => (item=tower_package_name) => {“changed”: false, “item”: “tower_package_name”, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}
skipping: [localhost] => (item=tower_package_version) => {“changed”: false, “item”: “tower_package_version”, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}
skipping: [localhost] => (item=tower_package_release) => {“changed”: false, “item”: “tower_package_release”, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [check_config_static : Ensure at least one tower host is defined] *********
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [check_config_static : Ensure only one database host exists] **************
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [check_config_static : Ensure when postgres host is defined that the port is defined] ***
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [check_config_static : Ensure that when a database host is specified, that pg_host is defined] ***
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [check_config_static : Ensure that when a database host is specified, that pg_port is defined] ***
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [check_config_static : HA mode requires an external postgres database with pg_host defined] ***
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [check_config_static : HA mode requires an external postgres database with pg_port defined] ***
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [config_dynamic : Set database to internal or external] *******************
ok: [localhost] => {“ansible_facts”: {“config_dynamic_database”: “internal”}, “changed”: false}

TASK [config_dynamic : Database decision] **************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
“config_dynamic_database”: “internal”

TASK [config_dynamic : Set postgres host and port to local if not set] *********
ok: [localhost] => {“ansible_facts”: {“pg_host”: “”, “pg_port”: 5432}, “changed”: false}

TASK [config_dynamic : Ensure connectivity to hosts and gather facts] **********
ok: [localhost]

TASK [config_dynamic : Get effective uid] **************************************
changed: [localhost] => {“changed”: true, “cmd”: [“id”, “-u”], “delta”: “0:00:00.003163”, “end”: “2017-06-08 14:07:45.643568”, “rc”: 0, “s tart”: “2017-06-08 14:07:45.640405”, “stderr”: “”, “stdout”: “0”, “stdout_lines”: [“0”], “warnings”: }

TASK [config_dynamic : Ensure user is root] ************************************
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

PLAY [Group nodes by OS distribution] ******************************************

TASK [setup] *******************************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [group hosts by distribution] *********************************************
ok: [localhost] => {“add_group”: “CentOS-7.2.1511”, “changed”: false}

PLAY [Group supported distributions] *******************************************

TASK [group hosts for supported distributions] *********************************
ok: [localhost] => {“add_group”: “supported”, “changed”: false}

PLAY [Ensure all node OS distributions are supported] **************************
skipping: no hosts matched

PLAY [Define role discovered variables, usable throughout the playbook] ********

TASK [postgres : include] ******************************************************
included: /tmp/ansible-tower-setup-3.1.3/roles/postgres/tasks/vars.yml for localhost

TASK [postgres : include_vars] *************************************************
ok: [localhost] => (item=/tmp/ansible-tower-setup-3.1.3/roles/postgres/templates/…/vars/RedHat-7.yml) => {“ansible_facts”: {“pg_conf_dir” : “/var/lib/pgsql/9.4/data”, “pg_conf_location”: “{{ pg_conf_dir }}/postgresql.conf”, “pg_hba_location”: “{{ pg_conf_dir }}/pg_hba.conf”, “pg_initdb_command”: “/usr/pgsql-9.4/bin/postgresql94-setup initdb”, “postgres_init_name”: “postgresql-9.4”}, “item”: “/tmp/ansible-tower- setup-3.1.3/roles/postgres/templates/…/vars/RedHat-7.yml”}

TASK [postgres : include] ******************************************************
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [postgres : include] ******************************************************
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [nginx : include] *********************************************************
included: /tmp/ansible-tower-setup-3.1.3/roles/nginx/tasks/vars.yml for localhost

TASK [nginx : include_vars] ****************************************************
ok: [localhost] => (item=/tmp/ansible-tower-setup-3.1.3/roles/nginx/templates/…/vars/default.yml) => {“ansible_facts”: {“httpd_init_name” : “httpd”, “nginx_init_name”: “nginx”, “nginx_user”: “www-data”}, “item”: “/tmp/ansible-tower-setup-3.1.3/roles/nginx/templates/…/vars/de fault.yml”}

TASK [nginx : include] *********************************************************
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [supervisor : include] ****************************************************
included: /tmp/ansible-tower-setup-3.1.3/roles/supervisor/tasks/vars.yml for localhost

TASK [supervisor : include supervisor variables] *******************************
ok: [localhost] => (item=/tmp/ansible-tower-setup-3.1.3/roles/supervisor/templates/…/vars/RedHat-7.yml) => {“ansible_facts”: {“sup_celery _add_lang”: false, “sup_conf_location”: “/etc/supervisord.d/tower.ini”, “sup_init_name”: “supervisord”, “sup_socket_location”: “/var/run/s upervisor/supervisor.sock”}, “item”: “/tmp/ansible-tower-setup-3.1.3/roles/supervisor/templates/…/vars/RedHat-7.yml”}

TASK [supervisor : include] ****************************************************
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [awx_install : include] ***************************************************
included: /tmp/ansible-tower-setup-3.1.3/roles/awx_install/tasks/vars.yml for localhost

TASK [awx_install : include_vars] **********************************************
ok: [localhost] => (item=/tmp/ansible-tower-setup-3.1.3/roles/awx_install/templates/…/…/supervisor/vars/RedHat-7.yml) => {"ansible_facts ": {“sup_celery_add_lang”: false, “sup_conf_location”: “/etc/supervisord.d/tower.ini”, “sup_init_name”: “supervisord”, “sup_socket_locatio n”: “/var/run/supervisor/supervisor.sock”}, “item”: “/tmp/ansible-tower-setup-3.1.3/roles/awx_install/templates/…/…/supervisor/vars/RedH at-7.yml”}

TASK [awx_install : include] ***************************************************
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

PLAY [Sanity check and prep Tower node(s)] *************************************

TASK [preflight : Preflight check - require new enough Ansible] ****************
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [preflight : Preflight check - Fail if this machine lacks sufficient RAM.]
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [preflight : Preflight check - Get umask] *********************************
ok: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “cmd”: “umask”, “delta”: “0:00:00.002868”, “end”: “2017-06-08 14:07:47.264204”, “rc”: 0, “start”: “2 017-06-08 14:07:47.261336”, “stderr”: “”, “stdout”: “0022”, “stdout_lines”: [“0022”], “warnings”: }

TASK [preflight : Preflight check - Get Hard Max FD limit] *********************
ok: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “cmd”: “ulimit -H -n”, “delta”: “0:00:00.002949”, “end”: “2017-06-08 14:07:47.404729”, “rc”: 0, “sta rt”: “2017-06-08 14:07:47.401780”, “stderr”: “”, “stdout”: “4096”, “stdout_lines”: [“4096”], “warnings”: }

TASK [preflight : Preflight check - Does the system have a standard umask?] ****
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [preflight : Preflight check - Verify minimum open fds] *******************
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [preflight : Determine which mountpoint /var exists on] *******************
ok: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “cmd”: “df /var | tail -n1 | awk ‘{print $NF}’”, “delta”: “0:00:00.014594”, “end”: “2017-06-08 14:07 :47.661971”, “rc”: 0, “start”: “2017-06-08 14:07:47.647377”, “stderr”: “”, “stdout”: “/”, “stdout_lines”: [“/”], “warnings”: }

TASK [preflight : Preflight check - Does /var meet minimum disk space requirement] ***
skipping: [localhost] => (item={u’uuid’: u’adc15a20-0d6b-44c4-b0c0-77959ddef93a’, u’size_total’: 29733576704, u’mount’: u’/‘, u’size_avail able’: 21594279936, u’fstype’: u’xfs’, u’device’: u’/dev/sda3’, u’options’: u’rw,seclabel,relatime,attr2,inode64,noquota’}) => {“changed” : false, “item”: {“device”: “/dev/sda3”, “fstype”: “xfs”, “mount”: “/”, “options”: “rw,seclabel,relatime,attr2,inode64,noquota”, “size_ava ilable”: 21594279936, “size_total”: 29733576704, “uuid”: “adc15a20-0d6b-44c4-b0c0-77959ddef93a”}, “skip_reason”: "Conditional check failed ", “skipped”: true}
skipping: [localhost] => (item={u’uuid’: u’480598c5-90cf-420f-a59e-c80709027cfb’, u’size_total’: 311078912, u’mount’: u’/boot’, u’size_ava ilable’: 160616448, u’fstype’: u’xfs’, u’device’: u’/dev/sda1’, u’options’: u’rw,seclabel,relatime,attr2,inode64,noquota’}) => {“changed” : false, “item”: {“device”: “/dev/sda1”, “fstype”: “xfs”, “mount”: “/boot”, “options”: “rw,seclabel,relatime,attr2,inode64,noquota”, “size _available”: 160616448, “size_total”: 311078912, “uuid”: “480598c5-90cf-420f-a59e-c80709027cfb”}, “skip_reason”: "Conditional check failed ", “skipped”: true}

TASK [preflight : Preflight check - Get /var/log permissions] ******************
ok: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “stat”: {“atime”: 1496679782.0155368, “ctime”: 1496944239.7456892, “dev”: 2051, “exists”: true, "gid ": 0, “gr_name”: “root”, “inode”: 1620, “isblk”: false, “ischr”: false, “isdir”: true, “isfifo”: false, “isgid”: false, “islnk”: false, “i sreg”: false, “issock”: false, “isuid”: false, “mode”: “0755”, “mtime”: 1496944239.7456892, “nlink”: 24, “path”: “/var/log”, “pw_name”: “r oot”, “rgrp”: true, “roth”: true, “rusr”: true, “size”: 4096, “uid”: 0, “wgrp”: false, “woth”: false, “wusr”: true, “xgrp”: true, “xoth”: true, “xusr”: true}}

TASK [preflight : Preflight check - Does /var/log have appropriate permissions?] ***
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [preflight : Preflight check - Read in tower version] *********************
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “failed”: true, “msg”: “file not found: /var/lib/awx/.tower_version”}

TASK [preflight : Preflight check - Detect unsupported HA inventory file] ******
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [preflight : Preflight check - User must be on Tower 3.0.x to upgrade to 3.1.x] ***
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [preflight : Preflight check - Passwords must be defined for a fresh install] ***
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [preflight : Preflight check - rabbitmq_password must be defined] *********
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [migrations : Check Tower version for supervisor configuration] ***********
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “cmd”: “cat /var/lib/awx/.tower_version”, “delta”: “0:00:00.003434”, “end”: “2017-06-08 14:07:48.621471”, “failed”: true, “rc”: 1, “start”: “2017-06-08 14:07:48.618037”, “stderr”: “cat: /var/lib/awx/.tower_version: No such fil e or directory”, “stdout”: “”, “stdout_lines”: , “warnings”: }

TASK [migrations : Stop httpd if tower is installed] ***************************
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [migrations : Stop httpd under its old name if needed] ********************
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [migrations : Stop and disable prior versions of httpd] *******************

PLAY [Install postgres database node] ******************************************
skipping: no hosts matched

PLAY [Install Tower node(s)] ***************************************************

TASK [packages_el : include] ***************************************************
included: /tmp/ansible-tower-setup-3.1.3/roles/packages_el/tasks/install_deps.yml for localhost

TASK [packages_el : include_vars] **********************************************
ok: [localhost] => (item=/tmp/ansible-tower-setup-3.1.3/roles/packages_el/templates/…/vars/CentOS-7.yml) => {“ansible_facts”: {“el_depend encies”: “{{ el7_dependencies }}”, “tower_bundle_file”: “tower_bundle_el7.j2”, “yum_online_repo_files”: [“epel-7.repo”, “ po”, “jlaska-rabbitmq.repo”], “yum_repo_keys”: [“RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-7”, “RPM-GPG-KEY-PGDG-94”, “RPM-GPG-KEY-ansible-release”, “RPM-GPG-KEY-j laska-rabbitmq”]}, “item”: “/tmp/ansible-tower-setup-3.1.3/roles/packages_el/templates/…/vars/CentOS-7.yml”}

TASK [packages_el : Install playbook dependencies] *****************************
ok: [localhost] => (item=[u’python-psycopg2’, u’python-setuptools’, u’libselinux-python’, u’setools-libs’, u’yum-utils’, u’sudo’, u’acl’]) => {“changed”: false, “item”: [“python-psycopg2”, “python-setuptools”, “libselinux-python”, “setools-libs”, “yum-utils”, “sudo”, “acl”], “msg”: “”, “rc”: 0, “results”: [“python-psycopg2-2.5.1-3.el7.x86_64 providing python-psycopg2 is already installed”, “python-setuptools-0. 9.8-4.el7.noarch providing python-setuptools is already installed”, “libselinux-python-2.2.2-6.el7.x86_64 providing libselinux-python is a lready installed”, “setools-libs-3.3.7-46.el7.x86_64 providing setools-libs is already installed”, “yum-utils-1.1.31-34.el7.noarch providi ng yum-utils is already installed”, “sudo-1.8.6p7-16.el7.x86_64 providing sudo is already installed”, “acl-2.2.51-12.el7.x86_64 providing acl is already installed”]}

TASK [packages_el : Install yum repositories] **********************************
ok: [localhost] => (item=epel-7.repo) => {“changed”: false, “checksum”: “9079878ccad2df02a308c4316316557dcddc8053”, “dest”: “/etc/yum.repo s.d/epel-7.repo”, “gid”: 0, “group”: “root”, “item”: “epel-7.repo”, “mode”: “0644”, “owner”: “root”, “path”: "/etc/yum.repos.d/epel-7.repo ", “secontext”: “system_u:object_r:system_conf_t:s0”, “size”: 624, “state”: “file”, “uid”: 0}
ok: [localhost] => (item=pgdg-94-centos.repo) => {“changed”: false, “checksum”: “f9402f703129b9838b767993ca07bb9d59d8b7a9”, “dest”: “/etc/ yum.repos.d/pgdg-94-centos.repo”, “gid”: 0, “group”: “root”, “item”: “pgdg-94-centos.repo”, “mode”: “0644”, “owner”: “root”, “path”: “/etc /yum.repos.d/pgdg-94-centos.repo”, “secontext”: “system_u:object_r:system_conf_t:s0”, “size”: 440, “state”: “file”, “uid”: 0}
ok: [localhost] => (item=jlaska-rabbitmq.repo) => {“changed”: false, “checksum”: “f3c639e8c7472aee7b15d20e08c03b5ab428f9ac”, “dest”: “/etc /yum.repos.d/jlaska-rabbitmq.repo”, “gid”: 0, “group”: “root”, “item”: “jlaska-rabbitmq.repo”, “mode”: “0644”, “owner”: “root”, “path”: “/ etc/yum.repos.d/jlaska-rabbitmq.repo”, “secontext”: “system_u:object_r:system_conf_t:s0”, “size”: 299, “state”: “file”, “uid”: 0}

TASK [packages_el : Install yum repo keys] *************************************
ok: [localhost] => (item=RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-7) => {“changed”: false, “checksum”: “491dc189ad1ceccb3b03277e88eb939dd238d32c”, “dest”: “/etc/p ki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-7”, “gid”: 0, “group”: “root”, “item”: “RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-7”, “mode”: “0644”, “owner”: “root”, “path”: “/etc/pk i/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-7”, “secontext”: “system_u:object_r:cert_t:s0”, “size”: 1662, “state”: “file”, “uid”: 0}
ok: [localhost] => (item=RPM-GPG-KEY-PGDG-94) => {“changed”: false, “checksum”: “fd0e604c59df16f951a847d269f12818786a930c”, “dest”: “/etc/ pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-PGDG-94”, “gid”: 0, “group”: “root”, “item”: “RPM-GPG-KEY-PGDG-94”, “mode”: “0644”, “owner”: “root”, “path”: “/etc /pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-PGDG-94”, “secontext”: “system_u:object_r:cert_t:s0”, “size”: 1726, “state”: “file”, “uid”: 0}
ok: [localhost] => (item=RPM-GPG-KEY-ansible-release) => {“changed”: false, “checksum”: “3f6935054f3c035f5c051010c68c2e22969230fa”, “dest” : “/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-ansible-release”, “gid”: 0, “group”: “root”, “item”: “RPM-GPG-KEY-ansible-release”, “mode”: “0644”, "owner ": “root”, “path”: “/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-ansible-release”, “secontext”: “system_u:object_r:cert_t:s0”, “size”: 3130, “state”: “fil e”, “uid”: 0}
ok: [localhost] => (item=RPM-GPG-KEY-jlaska-rabbitmq) => {“changed”: false, “checksum”: “b825cf6d0a665a60a51e057b1d28d60cbbc7b13b”, “dest” : “/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-jlaska-rabbitmq”, “gid”: 0, “group”: “root”, “item”: “RPM-GPG-KEY-jlaska-rabbitmq”, “mode”: “0644”, "owner ": “root”, “path”: “/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-jlaska-rabbitmq”, “secontext”: “system_u:object_r:cert_t:s0”, “size”: 987, “state”: "file ", “uid”: 0}

TASK [packages_el : Install yum repos that arrive via release packages] ********

TASK [packages_el : Determine if AWS rhui repository exists] *******************
ok: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “stat”: {“exists”: false}}

TASK [packages_el : Update rh-amazon-rhui-client (RHEL EC2 only)] **************
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [packages_el : Enable AWS rhui repositories] ******************************

TASK [packages_el : Determine if rhui repository exists] ***********************
ok: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “stat”: {“exists”: false}}

TASK [packages_el : Enable rhui repositories] **********************************

TASK [packages_el : Determine if rhsm repository exists] ***********************
ok: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “stat”: {“exists”: false}}

TASK [packages_el : Determine if rhsm system cert exists] **********************
ok: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “stat”: {“exists”: false}}

TASK [packages_el : Enable rhsm repositories] **********************************

TASK [packages_el : Determine if Oracle Linux repository exists] ***************
ok: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “stat”: {“exists”: false}}

TASK [packages_el : Enable Oracle repositories] ********************************

TASK [packages_el : Remove old bundle packages source directory] ***************
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [packages_el : Copy bundle packages to repo source directory] *************
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [packages_el : Install the Tower bundle repository] ***********************
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [packages_el : Set bundle repo to enable] *********************************
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [packages_el : include] ***************************************************
included: /tmp/ansible-tower-setup-3.1.3/roles/packages_el/tasks/install_tower.yml for localhost

TASK [packages_el : Check for custom ui logo] **********************************
ok: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “stat”: {“exists”: false}}

TASK [packages_el : Check for custom ui settings] ******************************
ok: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “stat”: {“exists”: false}}

TASK [packages_el : Move away custom ui logo] **********************************
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [packages_el : Move away custom ui settings] ******************************
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [packages_el : Install the Tower yum repository.] *************************
ok: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “gid”: 0, “group”: “root”, “mode”: “0644”, “owner”: “root”, “path”: “/etc/yum.repos.d/ansible-tower. repo”, “secontext”: “system_u:object_r:system_conf_t:s0”, “size”: 222, “state”: “file”, “uid”: 0}

TASK [packages_el : Set online repo to enable] *********************************
ok: [localhost] => {“ansible_facts”: {“tower_enable_repo”: “ansible-tower”}, “changed”: false}

TASK [packages_el : Install the Tower RPM.] ************************************
ok: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “msg”: “”, “rc”: 0, “results”: [“All packages providing ansible-tower == 3.1.3 are up to date”, “”]}

TASK [packages_el : include] ***************************************************
included: /tmp/ansible-tower-setup-3.1.3/roles/packages_el/tasks/install_postgres.yml for localhost

TASK [packages_el : Install postgres] ******************************************
ok: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “msg”: “”, “rc”: 0, “results”: [“postgresql94-server-9.4.12-1PGDG.rhel7.x86_64 providing postgresql9 4-server is already installed”]}

TASK [packages_ubuntu : include] ***********************************************
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [packages_ubuntu : include] ***********************************************
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [packages_ubuntu : include] ***********************************************
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [postgres : include] ******************************************************
included: /tmp/ansible-tower-setup-3.1.3/roles/postgres/tasks/vars.yml for localhost

TASK [postgres : include_vars] *************************************************
ok: [localhost] => (item=/tmp/ansible-tower-setup-3.1.3/roles/postgres/templates/…/vars/RedHat-7.yml) => {“ansible_facts”: {“pg_conf_dir” : “/var/lib/pgsql/9.4/data”, “pg_conf_location”: “{{ pg_conf_dir }}/postgresql.conf”, “pg_hba_location”: “{{ pg_conf_dir }}/pg_hba.conf”, “pg_initdb_command”: “/usr/pgsql-9.4/bin/postgresql94-setup initdb”, “postgres_init_name”: “postgresql-9.4”}, “item”: “/tmp/ansible-tower- setup-3.1.3/roles/postgres/templates/…/vars/RedHat-7.yml”}

TASK [postgres : include] ******************************************************
included: /tmp/ansible-tower-setup-3.1.3/roles/postgres/tasks/init.yml for localhost

TASK [postgres : init postgresql (el-only)] ************************************
ok: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “cmd”: “/usr/pgsql-9.4/bin/postgresql94-setup initdb”, “rc”: 0, “stderr”: false, “stdout”: “skipped, since /var/lib/pgsql/9.4/data/PG_VERSION exists”, “stdout_lines”: [“skipped, since /var/lib/pgsql/9.4/data/PG_VERSION exists”]}

TASK [postgres : Make sure PostgreSQL is started] ******************************
ok: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “name”: “postgresql-9.4”, “state”: “started”}

TASK [postgres : Wait for PostgreSQL to start if it wasnt] *********************
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [postgres : Check for the presence of a database backup that needs to be restored] ***
ok: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “stat”: {“exists”: false}}

TASK [postgres : Restore database backup if we created a dump in the migrate_postgres role] ***
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [postgres : Remove the Postgres data backup] ******************************
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [postgres : Remove the Postgres data backup directory] ********************
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [postgres : include] ******************************************************
included: /tmp/ansible-tower-setup-3.1.3/roles/postgres/tasks/conf.yml for localhost

TASK [postgres : Update postgresql authentication settings] ********************
ok: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “gid”: 26, “group”: “postgres”, “mode”: “0600”, “owner”: “postgres”, “path”: “/var/lib/pgsql/9.4/dat a/pg_hba.conf”, “secontext”: “unconfined_u:object_r:postgresql_db_t:s0”, “size”: 451, “state”: “file”, “uid”: 26}

TASK [postgres : Apply postgresql general settings] ****************************
ok: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “gid”: 26, “group”: “postgres”, “mode”: “0600”, “owner”: “postgres”, “path”: “/var/lib/pgsql/9.4/dat a/postgresql.conf”, “secontext”: “unconfined_u:object_r:postgresql_db_t:s0”, “size”: 3222, “state”: “file”, “uid”: 26}

TASK [postgres : Create unix socket directory] *********************************
ok: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “gid”: 26, “group”: “postgres”, “mode”: “02775”, “owner”: “postgres”, “path”: “/var/run/postgresql”, “secontext”: “system_u:object_r:postgresql_var_run_t:s0”, “size”: 80, “state”: “directory”, “uid”: 26}

TASK [postgres : Configure postgresql tmpfiles.d] ******************************
ok: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “gid”: 0, “group”: “root”, “mode”: “0644”, “owner”: “root”, “path”: “/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/postgresql. conf”, “secontext”: “system_u:object_r:lib_t:s0”, “size”: 47, “state”: “file”, “uid”: 0}

TASK [postgres : restart postgresql when authentication settings changed] ******
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [postgres : wait for postgresql restart] **********************************
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [postgres : configure postgresql to start automatically] ******************
ok: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “enabled”: true, “name”: “postgresql-9.4”}

TASK [postgres : create the postgres user and set the password] ****************
changed: [localhost] => {“censored”: “the output has been hidden due to the fact that ‘no_log: true’ was specified for this result”}

TASK [postgres : create the postgresql database for awx] ***********************
ok: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “db”: “awx”}

TASK [firewall : Determine if firewalld is running] ****************************
ok: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “cmd”: [“firewall-cmd”, “–state”], “delta”: “0:00:00.403705”, “end”: “2017-06-08 14:08:06.148676”, “failed”: false, “failed_when_result”: false, “rc”: 0, “start”: “2017-06-08 14:08:05.744971”, “stderr”: “”, “stdout”: “running”, “stdout_l ines”: [“running”], “warnings”: }

TASK [firewall : Determine if firewalld is enabled] ****************************
ok: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “cmd”: [“systemctl”, “list-unit-files”], “delta”: “0:00:00.673841”, “end”: “2017-06-08 14:08:07.0188 82”, “rc”: 0, “start”: “2017-06-08 14:08:06.345041”, “stderr”: “”, “stdout”: “UNIT FILE STATE \nproc-s ys-fs-binfmt_misc.automount static \ndev-hugepages.mount static \ndev-mqueue.mount static \nproc-fs-nfsd.mount static \nproc-sys-fs-binfmt_misc.mount static \nsys-fs-fuse- connections.mount static \nsys-kernel-config.mount static \nsys-kernel-debug.mount static \ntmp.mount disabled\nvar-lib-nfs-rpc_pipefs.mount static \nbrandbot.path disabled\ncups.path enabled \nsystemd-ask-password-console.path stat ic \nsystemd-ask-password-plymouth.path static \nsystemd-ask-password-wall.path static \nsession-2.scope static \nsession-37.scope static \nsession-c9.scope static \n abrt-ccpp.service enabled \nabrt-oops.service enabled \nabrt-pstoreoops.service disabled\nabrt-vmcore.service enabled \nabrt-xorg.service enabled \nabrtd. service enabled \naccounts-daemon.service enabled \nalsa-restore.service static \nalsa-state.service static \nalsa-store.service static \nanaconda-dir ect.service static \nanaconda-nm-config.service static \nanaconda-noshell.service static \nanaconda-shell@.service static \nanaconda-sshd.service static \nanaconda-tmux@.ser vice static \nanaconda.service static \narp-ethers.service disa bled\natd.service enabled \nauditd.service enabled \nauth-rpcgss-module.servi ce static \nautofs.service disabled\nautovt@.service disabled\n avahi-daemon.service enabled \nblk-availability.service disabled\nbluetooth.service enabled \nbrandbot.service static \nbrltty.service disabled\ncanber ra-system-bootup.service disabled\ncanberra-system-shutdown-reboot.service disabled\ncanberra-system-shutdown.service disabled\ncertmonger.service disabled\ncgconfig.service disabled\ncgdcbxd.serv ice disabled\ncgred.service disabled\nchrony-dnssrv@.service static \nchrony-wait.service disabled\nchronyd.service enabled \ncolord.service static \nconfigure-printer@.service static \nconsole-getty.service disa bled\nconsole-shell.service disabled\ncontainer-getty@.service static \ncpupower.service disabled\ncrond.service enabled \ncups-browsed.service disabled\n cups.service enabled \ndbus-org.bluez.service enabled \ndbus-org.fedoraproject.Firewal lD1.service enabled \ndbus-org.freedesktop.Avahi.service enabled \ndbus-org.freedesktop.hostname1.service static \ndbus-o rg.freedesktop.locale1.service static \ndbus-org.freedesktop.login1.service static \ndbus-org.freedesktop.machine1.servic e static \ndbus-org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.service enabled \ndbus-org.freedesktop.network1.service invalid \ndbus-org.fre edesktop.NetworkManager.service enabled \ndbus-org.freedesktop.nm-dispatcher.service enabled \ndbus-org.freedesktop.timedate1.service static \ndbus.service static \ndebug-shell.service disabled\ rvice enabled \ndm-event.service disabled\ndmraid-activation.service enab led \ndnsmasq.service disabled\ndracut-cmdline.service static \ndracut-initqueue.service static \ndracut-mount.service static \ndracut-pre-mount.service static \n dracut-pre-pivot.service static \ndracut-pre-trigger.service static \ndracut-pre-udev.service static \ndracut-shutdown.service static \nebtables.service disabled\nemerge ncy.service static \nfcoe.service disabled\nfirewalld.service enabled \nfirstboot-graphical.service disabled\nfprintd.service static \nfstrim.servi ce static \ngdm.service enabled \ngeoclue.service static \ngetty@.service enabled \ngssproxy.service disabled\nhalt-local.service static \nhtcacheclean.service static \nhttpd.service disa bled\ninitial-setup-text.service disabled\ninitrd-cleanup.service static \ninitrd-parse-etc.service static \ninitrd-switch-root.service static \ninitrd-udevadm-cleanup-db.service static \n instperf.service static \niprdump.service disabled\niprinit.service disabled\niprupdate.service disabled\nipsec.service disabled\nirqbal ance.service enabled \niscsi-shutdown.service static \niscsi.service enabled \niscsid.service disabled\niscsiuio.service disabled\nkdump.servic e enabled \nkmod-static-nodes.service static \nksm.service enabled \nksmtuned.service enabled \nldconfig.service static \nlibstoragemgmt.ser vice enabled \nlibvirt-guests.service disabled\nlibvirtd.service enab led \nlldpad.service disabled\nlvm2-lvmetad.service disabled\nlvm2-lvmpolld.service disabled\nlvm2-monitor.service enabled \nlvm2-pvscan@.service static \n mdadm-grow-continue@.service static \nmdadm-last-resort@.service static \nmdmon@.service static \nmdmonitor.service enabled \nmemcached.service disabled\nmessag ebus.service static \nmicrocode.service enabled \nModemManager.service enabled \nmultipathd.service enabled \nmysqld.service enabled \nmysqld@.serv ice disabled\nnetcf-transaction.service disabled\nNetworkManager-dispatcher.service enabled \nNetworkManager-wait-online.service disabled\nNetworkManager.service enabled \nnfs-blkmap.service disabled\nnfs-config.service static \nnfs-idmap.service stat ic \nnfs-idmapd.service static \nnfs-lock.service static \nnfs-mountd.service static \nnfs-secure-server.service static \nnfs-secure.service static \n nfs-server.service disabled\nnfs-utils.service static \nnfs.service disabled\nnfslock.service static \nnginx.service disabled\nntpd.s ervice disabled\nntpdate.service disabled\nnumad.service disabled\noddjobd.service disabled\npackagekit-offline-update.service static \npackagekit.s ervice static \nplymouth-halt.service disabled\nplymouth-kexec.service disabled\nplymouth-poweroff.service disabled\nplymouth-quit-wait.service disabled\nplymouth-quit.serv ice disabled\nplymouth-read-write.service disabled\nplymouth-reboot.service disa bled\nplymouth-start.service disabled\nplymouth-switch-root.service static \npolkit.service static \npostfix.service enabled \npostgresql-9.4.service enabled \n psacct.service disabled\nqemu-guest-agent.service enabled \nquotaon.service static \nradvd.service disabled\nrc-local.service static \nrdisc. service disabled\nrdma.service disabled\nrealmd.service static \nrescue.service static \nrhel-autorelabel-mark.service static \nrhel-autorel abel.service static \nrhel-configure.service static \nrhel-dmesg.service disabled\nrhel-domainname.service disabled\nrhel-import-state.service static \nrhel-loadmodules.s ervice static \nrhel-readonly.service static \nrngd.service enab led \nrpc-gssd.service static \nrpc-statd-notify.service static \nrpc-statd.service static \nrpc-svcgssd.service static \nrpcbind.service static \n rpcgssd.service static \nrpcidmapd.service static \nrpcsvcgssd.service static \nrsyncd.service disabled\nrsyncd@.service static \nrsyslo g.service enabled \nrtkit-daemon.service enabled \nsaslauthd.service disabled\nserial-getty@.service disabled\nsmartd.service enabled \nspeech-dispa tcherd.service disabled\nspice-vdagentd.service enabled \nsshd-keygen.service static \nsshd.service enabled \nsshd@.service static \nsssd.service disabled\nsupervisord.service disabled\nsvnserve.service disa bled\nsysstat.service enabled \nsystemd-ask-password-console.service static \nsystemd-ask-password-ply mouth.service static \nsystemd-ask-password-wall.service static \nsystemd-backlight@.service static \n systemd-binfmt.service static \nsystemd-bootchart.service disabled\nsystemd-firstboot.service static \nsystemd-fsck-root.service static \nsystemd-fsck@.service static \nsystem d-halt.service static \nsystemd-hibernate-resume@.service static \nsystemd-hibernate.service static \nsystemd-hostnamed.service static \nsystemd-hwdb-update.service static \nsystemd-hybr id-sleep.service static \nsystemd-initctl.service static \nsystemd-journal-catalog-update.service static \nsystemd-journal-flush.service static \nsystemd-journald.service static \nsystemd-kexec.serv ice static \nsystemd-localed.service static \nsystemd-logind.service stat ic \nsystemd-machine-id-commit.service static \nsystemd-machined.service static \nsystemd-modules-load.ser vice static \nsystemd-nspawn@.service disabled\nsystemd-poweroff.service static \n systemd-quotacheck.service static \nsystemd-random-seed.service static \nsystemd-readahead-collect.serv ice enabled \nsystemd-readahead-done.service static \nsystemd-readahead-drop.service enabled \nsystem d-readahead-replay.service enabled \nsystemd-reboot.service static \nsystemd-remount-fs.service static \nsystemd-rfkill@.service static \nsystemd-shutdownd.service static \nsystemd-susp end.service static \nsystemd-sysctl.service static \nsystemd-timedated.service static \nsystemd-tmpfiles-clean.service static \nsystemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service static \nsystemd-tmpfiles-s etup.service static \nsystemd-udev-settle.service static \nsystemd-udev-trigger.service stat ic \nsystemd-udevd.service static \nsystemd-update-done.service static \nsystemd-update-utmp-runl evel.service static \nsystemd-update-utmp.service static \nsystemd-user-sessions.service static \n systemd-vconsole-setup.service static \ntarget.service disabled\ntcsd.service disabled\nteamd@.service static \ntuned.service enabled \nudisks 2.service static \nunbound-anchor.service static \nupower.service disabled\nusbmuxd.service static \nvirtlockd.service static \nvmtoolsd.ser vice enabled \nwacom-inputattach@.service static \nwpa_supplicant.service disabled\nzram.service static \n-.slice static \nmachine.slice static \nsystem.slice static \nuser.slice stat ic \navahi-daemon.socket enabled \ncups.socket enabled \ndbus.socket static \ndm-event.socket enabled \niscsid.socket enabled \n iscsiuio.socket enabled \nlibvirtd.socket static \nlldpad.socket disabled\nlvm2-lvmetad.socket enabled \nlvm2-lvmpolld.socket enabled \nrpcbin d.socket enabled \nrsyncd.socket disabled\nsshd.socket disabled\nsyslog.socket static \nsystemd-initctl.socket static \nsystemd-jour nald.socket static \nsystemd-networkd.socket disabled\nsystemd-shutdownd.socket static \nsystemd-udevd-control.socket static \nsystemd-udevd-kernel.socket static \nvirtlockd.socket disabled\ static \ stat ic \ static \ static \ static \ disabled\ enabled \n static \ static \ static \ enabled \ disabled\nhibern static \ static \ static \ static \ static \ninitrd.targe t static \ disabled\ disabled\ static \ static \ disabled\ static \ stat ic \ static \ static \ enabled \ static \ static \n static \ disabled\ static \ disabled\ static \nremote enabled \ disabled\ static \ disabled\ disabled\nrunlevel2.ta rget static \ static \ static \ static \ disabled\ static \ static \ stat ic \ static \ static \ static \ static \ static \n static \ static \ static \ static \ static \ntimers .target static \ static \nchrony-dnssrv@.timer disabled\nfstrim.timer disabled\nmdadm-last-resort@.timer static \nsystemd-read ahead-done.timer static \nsystemd-tmpfiles-clean.timer static \nunbound-anchor.timer disabled\n\n376 unit files listed.”, “stdout_lines”: ["UNIT FILE STATE ", "proc-sys-fs-binfmt_misc.a utomount static ", "dev-hugepages.mount static ", "dev-mqueue.mount static ", "proc-fs-nfsd.mount static ", "proc-sys-fs-binfmt_misc.mount static ", "sys-fs-fuse-connectio ns.mount static ", "sys-kernel-config.mount static ", "sys-kernel-debug.mount sta tic ", “tmp.mount disabled”, "var-lib-nfs-rpc_pipefs.mount static ", “brandbot.path disabled”, "cups.path enabled ", "systemd-ask-password-console.path static ", "systemd-ask-password-plymouth.path static ", "systemd-ask-password-wall.path static ", "session-2.sco pe static ", "session-37.scope static ", "session-c9.scope static ", "abrt-ccpp.service enabled ", "abrt-oops.service enabled ", “abrt-psto reoops.service disabled”, "abrt-vmcore.service enabled ", "abrt-xorg.service enabled ", "abrtd.service enabled ", "accounts-daemon.service enabled ", "alsa- restore.service static ", "alsa-state.service static ", "alsa-store.service static ", "anaconda-direct.service static ", "anaconda-nm-config.service static ", "a naconda-noshell.service static ", "anaconda-shell@.service static ", "anaconda-sshd.service static ", "anaconda-tmux@.service static ", "anaconda.service static " , “arp-ethers.service disabled”, "atd.service enabled ", "auditd.service enabled ", "auth-rpcgss-module.service static ", “autofs.service disab led”, “autovt@.service disabled”, "avahi-daemon.service enabled ", “ rvice disabled”, "bluetooth.service enabled ", "brandbot.service s tatic ", “brltty.service disabled”, “canberra-system-bootup.service disabled”, “canberra-system -shutdown-reboot.service disabled”, “canberra-system-shutdown.service disabled”, “certmonger.service disabled”, “cgconfig.service disabled”, “cgdcbxd.service disabled”, “cgred.servi ce disabled”, "chrony-dnssrv@.service static ", “chrony-wait.service disabled”, "chronyd.service enabled ", "colord.service static ", "configu re-printer@.service static ", “console-getty.service disabled”, “console-shell.service disabled”, "container-getty@.service static ", “cpupower.service disabled”, "cro nd.service enabled ", “cups-browsed.service disabled”, "cups.service enabled ", "dbus-org.bluez.service enabled ", "dbus-org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.service enabled ", "dbus-org.freedesktop.Avahi.service enabled ", "dbus-org.freedesktop.hostname1.service static ", "dbus-org.freedesktop.loca le1.service static ", "dbus-org.freedesktop.login1.service static ", "dbus-org.freedesktop.machine1.service static ", "dbus-org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.service enabled ", "dbus-org.freedesktop.network1.service invalid ", "dbus-org.freedesktop. NetworkManager.service enabled ", "dbus-org.freedesktop.nm-dispatcher.service enabled ", "dbus-org.freedesktop.timedate1.service sta tic ", "dbus.service static ", “debug-shell.service disabled”, "display-manager.s ervice enabled ", “dm-event.service disabled”, "dmraid-activation.service enabled ", “dnsmasq.service disabled”, "dracut-cmdline.service static ", "dracut-initqu eue.service static ", "dracut-mount.service static ", "dracut-pre-mount.service static ", "dracut-pre-pivot.service static ", "dracut-pre-trigger.service static ", "dracut-pr e-udev.service static ", "dracut-shutdown.service static ", “ebtables.service disabled”, "emergency.service static ", “fcoe.service disabled”, "firew alld.service enabled ", “firstboot-graphical.service disabled”, "fprintd.service static ", "fstrim.service static ", "gdm.service enabled ", "g eoclue.service static ", "getty@.service enabled ", “gssproxy.service disabled”, "halt-local.service static ", "htcacheclean.service static " , “httpd.service disabled”, “initial-setup-text.service disabled”, "initrd-cleanup.service static ", "initrd-parse-etc.service static ", "initrd-switch-root.service stati c ", "initrd-udevadm-cleanup-db.service static ", "instperf.service static ", “iprdump.service disabled”, “iprinit.service disabled”, “iprupdate.service d isabled”, “ipsec.service disabled”, "irqbalance.service enabled ", "iscsi-shutdown. service static ", "iscsi.service enabled ", “iscsid.service disabled”, “iscsiuio.service disabled”, "kdump.service enabled ", "kmod-static -nodes.service static ", "ksm.service enabled ", "ksmtuned.service enabled ", "ldconfig.service static ", "libstoragemgmt.service enabled ", “libvirt -guests.service disabled”, "libvirtd.service enabled ", “lldpad.service disabled”, “lvm2-lvmetad.service disabled”, “lvm2-lvmpolld.service disabled”, "lvm 2-monitor.service enabled ", "lvm2-pvscan@.service static ", "mdadm-grow-continue@.service static ", "mdadm-last-resort@.service static ", "mdmon@.service static ", "mdmonitor.service enabled ", “memcached.service disabled”, "messagebus.service static ", "microcode.service enabled ", "ModemManager.service enabled ", "multipathd.service enabled ", "mysqld.service enabled ", “mysqld@.service disabled”, “netcf-transaction.service disabled”, "NetworkManager-dispatcher.service ena bled ", “NetworkManager-wait-online.service disabled”, "NetworkManager.service enabled ", “nfs-blkmap.servic e disabled”, "nfs-config.service static ", "nfs-idmap.service static ", "nfs-idmapd.service static ", "nfs-lock.service static ", " rvice static ", "nfs-secure-server.service static ", "nfs-secure.service static ", “nfs-server.service disabled”, "nfs-utils.service static ", “nfs.servi ce disabled”, "nfslock.service static ", “nginx.service disabled”, “ntpd.service disabled”, “ntpdate.service disabled”, “numad .service disabled”, “oddjobd.service disabled”, "packagekit-offline-update.servi ce static ", "packagekit.service static ", “plymouth-halt.service disabled”, “p lymouth-kexec.service disabled”, “plymouth-poweroff.service disabled”, “plymouth-quit-wait.service disabled”, “plymouth-quit.service disabled”, “plymouth-read-write.service disabled” , “plymouth-reboot.service disabled”, “plymouth-start.service disabled”, " rvice static ", "polkit.service static ", "postfix.service enabl ed ", "postgresql-9.4.service enabled ", “psacct.service disabled”, " rvice enabled ", "quotaon.service static ", “radvd.service d isabled”, "rc-local.service static ", “rdisc.service disabled”, “rdma.service disabled”, "realmd.service static ", "rescue.service static ", "rhel-autorelabel-mark.service static ", "rhel-autorelabel.service static ", "rhel-config ure.service static ", “rhel-dmesg.service disabled”, “rhel-domainname.service disabled”, "rhel-import-state.service static ", "rhel-loadmodules.service static ", "rhel-re adonly.service static ", "rngd.service enabled ", "rpc-gssd.service static ", "rpc-statd-notify.service static ", "rpc-statd.service static ", "rpc -svcgssd.service static ", "rpcbind.service static ", "rpcgssd.service static ", "rpcidmapd.service static ", "rpcsvcgssd.service static ", “rsyncd.service disabled”, "rsyncd@.service static ", "rsyslog.service enabled ", "rtkit-daemon.service enabled ", “saslauthd.service disable d”, “serial-getty@.service disabled”, "smartd.service enabled ", “ rvice disabled”, "spice-vdagentd.service enabled ", "sshd-keygen.service sta tic ", "sshd.service enabled ", "sshd@.service static ", “sssd.service disabled”, “supervisord.service disabled”, “svnserve.service disabled”, "sysstat.service enabled ", "systemd-ask-password-console.service static ", "systemd-ask-p assword-plymouth.service static ", "systemd-ask-password-wall.service static ", "systemd-backlight@.service static ", "systemd-binfmt.service static ", “systemd-bootchart.service disabled”, "systemd-f irstboot.service static ", "systemd-fsck-root.service static ", "systemd-fsck@.service static ", "systemd-halt.service static ", "systemd-hibernate-resume@.service static ", "syste md-hibernate.service static ", "systemd-hostnamed.service static ", "systemd-hwdb-update.service static ", "systemd-hybrid-sleep.service static ", "systemd-initctl.service static ", "s ystemd-journal-catalog-update.service static ", "systemd-journal-flush.service static ", "systemd-journald.service static ", "systemd-kexec.service static ", "systemd-localed.service static " , "systemd-logind.service static ", "systemd-machine-id-commit.service static ", "systemd-machined.servic e static ", "systemd-modules-load.service static ", “systemd-nspawn@.service disab led”, "systemd-poweroff.service static ", "systemd-quotacheck.service static ", "systemd-random-seed .service static ", "systemd-readahead-collect.service enabled ", "systemd-readahead-done.service s tatic ", "systemd-readahead-drop.service enabled ", "systemd-readahead-replay.service enabled ", "systemd-reboot. service static ", "systemd-remount-fs.service static ", "systemd-rfkill@.service static ", "systemd-shutdownd.service static ", "systemd-suspend.service static ", "systemd-sys ctl.service static ", "systemd-timedated.service static ", "systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service static ", "systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service static ", "systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service static ", "systemd -udev-settle.service static ", "systemd-udev-trigger.service static ", "systemd-udevd.service static ", "systemd-update-done.service static ", "systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service static ", "sys temd-update-utmp.service static ", "systemd-user-sessions.service static ", "systemd-vconsole-setup.servic e static ", “target.service disabled”, “tcsd.service disabled”, "teamd@.service static ", "tuned.service enabled ", "udisks2.service static ", "unbound-anchor.service static ", “upower.service disable d”, "usbmuxd.service static ", "virtlockd.service static ", "vmtoolsd.service enabled ", "wacom-inputattach@.service static ", “wpa_supplicant.service dis abled”, "zram.service static ", "-.slice static ", "machine.slice static ", "system.slice static ", "user.slice static ", "avahi-daemon.socket enabled ", "cups.socket enabled ", "dbus.socket static ", "dm-event.socket enabled ", "iscsid.socket enabled ", "iscsiuio.socket enabled ", "libvirtd.socket static ", “ cket disabled”, "lvm2-lvmetad.socket enabled ", "lvm2-lvmpolld.socket enabled ", "rpcbind.socket enabled ", “rsyncd.socket disabled”, “sshd. socket disabled”, "syslog.socket static ", "systemd-initctl.socket static ", "systemd-journald.socket static ", “systemd-networkd.socket disabled”, "s ystemd-shutdownd.socket static ", "systemd-udevd-control.socket static ", "systemd-udevd-kernel.socket static ", “virtlockd.socket disabled”, " static " , " static ", " static ", " static ", " static ", “ disab led”, " enabled ", " static ", " static ", " static ", " e nabled ", “ disabled”, " static ", "hybrid-sleep.ta rget static ", " static ", " static ", " static ", " static ", “iprutils.ta rget disabled”, “ disabled”, " static ", " static ", “ disabled”, "multi-u static ", " static ", " static ", " static ", " enabled ", "nss static ", " static ", " static ", “ disabled”, " static ", “ disabled”, " static ", " enabled ", “ disabled”, " static ", “ disabled”, “ disabled”, " static ", " static ", " sta tic ", " static ", “ disabled”, " static ", " static ", " static ", " static ", " static ", "sockets.targe t static ", " static ", " static ", " static ", " static ", "sysinit.t arget static ", " static ", " static ", " static ", " static ", “chron y-dnssrv@.timer disabled”, “fstrim.timer disabled”, "mdadm-last-resort@.timer static ", "systemd-readahead-done.timer static ", "systemd-tmpfiles-clean.timer static ", “u nbound-anchor.timer disabled”, “”, “376 unit files listed.”], “warnings”: }

TASK [firewall : Determine if iptables is installed] ***************************
ok: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “cmd”: [“iptables”, “–version”], “delta”: “0:00:00.073826”, “end”: “2017-06-08 14:08:07.300871”, “f ailed”: false, “failed_when_result”: false, “rc”: 0, “start”: “2017-06-08 14:08:07.227045”, “stderr”: “”, “stdout”: “iptables v1.4.21”, “s tdout_lines”: [“iptables v1.4.21”], “warnings”: }

TASK [firewall : Determine if iptables service is installed] *******************
ok: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “stat”: {“exists”: false}}

TASK [firewall : Check to see if there is an iptables config file] *************
ok: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “stat”: {“exists”: false}}

TASK [firewall : Select firewalld] *********************************************
ok: [localhost] => {“ansible_facts”: {“tower_firewall_type”: “firewalld”}, “changed”: false}

TASK [firewall : Select iptables] **********************************************
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [firewall : Include firewalld tasks] **************************************
included: /tmp/ansible-tower-setup-3.1.3/roles/firewall/tasks/firewalld.yml for localhost

TASK [firewall : Start firewalld if it is enabled and not running] *************
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [firewall : Enable base Tower firewall ports] *****************************
ok: [localhost] => (item=80) => {“changed”: false, “item”: “80”, “msg”: “Permanent operation, Non-permanent operation”}
ok: [localhost] => (item=443) => {“changed”: false, “item”: “443”, “msg”: “Permanent operation, Non-permanent operation”}

TASK [firewall : Enable HA Tower firewall ports] *******************************
skipping: [localhost] => (item=4369) => {“changed”: false, “item”: 4369, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}
skipping: [localhost] => (item=25672) => {“changed”: false, “item”: 25672, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [firewall : Enable HA Tower firewall management ports] ********************
skipping: [localhost] => (item=15672) => {“changed”: false, “item”: 15672, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [firewall : Enable Standalone Database firewall ports] ********************
skipping: [localhost] => (item=5432) => {“changed”: false, “item”: 5432, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [rabbitmq : check whether rabbitmq is already reachable as a node] ********
ok: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “cmd”: [“rabbitmqctl”, “-n”, “rabbitmq@localhost”, “status”], “delta”: “0:00:00.975385”, “end”: “201 7-06-08 14:08:10.129368”, “rc”: 0, “start”: “2017-06-08 14:08:09.153983”, “stderr”: “”, “stdout”: “Status of node rabbitmq@localhost …\n [{pid,22792},\n {running_applications,\n [{rabbitmq_federation_management,"RabbitMQ Federation Management",\n "3.6.5"},\n {rabbitmq_management_visualiser,"RabbitMQ Visualiser","3.6.5"},\n {rabbitmq_management,"RabbitMQ Management Console","3. 6.5"},\n {rabbitmq_web_dispatch,"RabbitMQ Web Dispatcher","3.6.5"},\n {rabbitmq_federation,"RabbitMQ Federation","3.6.5\ “},\n {rabbitmq_management_agent,"RabbitMQ Management Agent","3.6.5"},\n {rabbit,"RabbitMQ","3.6.5"},\n {os_mon,"C PO CXC 138 46","2.4.1"},\n {mnesia,"MNESIA CXC 138 12","4.14"},\n {webmachine,"webmachine","1.10.3"},\n {mochi web,"MochiMedia Web Server","2.13.1"},\n {ssl,"Erlang/OTP SSL application","8.0.1"},\n {public_key,"Public key infrastr ucture","1.2"},\n {amqp_client,"RabbitMQ AMQP Client","3.6.5"},\n {crypto,"CRYPTO","3.7"},\n {ranch,"Socket acc eptor pool for TCP protocols.","1.2.1"},\n {inets,"INETS CXC 138 49","6.3.2"},\n {syntax_tools,"Syntax tools","2.0"} ,\n {rabbit_common,,"3.6.5"},\n {compiler,"ERTS CXC 138 10","7.0.1"},\n {xmerl,"XML parser","1.3.11"},\n {asn1,"The Erlang ASN1 compiler version 4.0.3","4.0.3"},\n {sasl,"SASL CXC 138 11","3.0"},\n {stdlib,"ERTS CXC 138 10 ","3.0.1"},\n {kernel,"ERTS CXC 138 10","5.0.1"}]},\n {os,{unix,linux}},\n {erlang_version,\n "Erlang/OTP 19 [erts-8.0.3 ] [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [async-threads:64] [hipe] [kernel-poll:true]\n"},\n {memory,\n [{total,61771888},\n {connection_r eaders,0},\n {connection_writers,0},\n {connection_channels,0},\n {connection_other,2832},\n {queue_procs,2832},\n {queue_slave_procs,0},\n {plugins,1011640},\n {other_proc,22177208},\n {mnesia,78552},\n {mgmt_db,901992},\n {m sg_index,45952},\n {other_ets,1502864},\n {binary,30656},\n {code,24838967},\n {atom,1033401},\n {other_system,10 144992}]},\n {alarms,},\n {listeners,[{clustering,25672,"::"},{amqp,5672,"::"}]},\n {vm_memory_high_watermark,0.4},\n {vm_memory_lim it,765416243},\n {disk_free_limit,50000000},\n {disk_free,21593575424},\n {file_descriptors,\n [{total_limit,924},{total_used,2},{sock ets_limit,829},{sockets_used,0}]},\n {processes,[{limit,1048576},{used,239}]},\n {run_queue,0},\n {uptime,326},\n {kernel,{net_ticktime,60 }}]”, “stdout_lines”: [“Status of node rabbitmq@localhost …”, “[{pid,22792},”, " {running_applications,”, " [{rabbitmq_federation_ma nagement,"RabbitMQ Federation Management",“, " "3.6.5"},”, " {rabbitmq_management_visualiser,"RabbitMQ Visualiser","3 .6.5"},“, " {rabbitmq_management,"RabbitMQ Management Console","3.6.5"},”, " {rabbitmq_web_dispatch,"RabbitMQ Web Dispatch er","3.6.5"},“, " {rabbitmq_federation,"RabbitMQ Federation","3.6.5"},”, " {rabbitmq_management_agent,"RabbitMQ Manageme nt Agent","3.6.5"},“, " {rabbit,"RabbitMQ","3.6.5"},”, " {os_mon,"CPO CXC 138 46","2.4.1"},“, " {mnesia,"MNESI A CXC 138 12","4.14"},”, " {webmachine,"webmachine","1.10.3"},“, " {mochiweb,"MochiMedia Web Server","2.13.1"},”, " {ssl,"Erlang/OTP SSL application","8.0.1"},“, " {public_key,"Public key infrastructure","1.2"},”, " {amqp_client," RabbitMQ AMQP Client","3.6.5"},“, " {crypto,"CRYPTO","3.7"},”, " {ranch,"Socket acceptor pool for TCP protocols.","1.2 .1"},“, " {inets,"INETS CXC 138 49","6.3.2"},”, " {syntax_tools,"Syntax tools","2.0"},“, " {rabbit_common,,"3. 6.5"},”, " {compiler,"ERTS CXC 138 10","7.0.1"},“, " {xmerl,"XML parser","1.3.11"},”, " {asn1,"The Erlang ASN1 c ompiler version 4.0.3","4.0.3"},“, " {sasl,"SASL CXC 138 11","3.0"},”, " {stdlib,"ERTS CXC 138 10","3.0.1"},“, " {kernel,"ERTS CXC 138 10","5.0.1"}]},”, " {os,{unix,linux}},“, " {erlang_version,”, " "Erlang/OTP 19 [erts-8.0.3] [source] [6 4-bit] [smp:4:4] [async-threads:64] [hipe] [kernel-poll:true]\n"},“, " {memory,”, " [{total,61771888},“, " {connection_readers, 0},”, " {connection_writers,0},“, " {connection_channels,0},”, " {connection_other,2832},“, " {queue_procs,2832},”, " {queue_slave_procs,0},“, " {plugins,1011640},”, " {other_proc,22177208},“, " {mnesia,78552},”, " {mgmt_db,901992} ,“, " {msg_index,45952},”, " {other_ets,1502864},“, " {binary,30656},”, " {code,24838967},“, " {atom,1033401},”, " {other_system,10144992}]},“, " {alarms,},”, " {listeners,[{clustering,25672,"::"},{amqp,5672,"::"}]},“, " {vm_memory_high_wat ermark,0.4},”, " {vm_memory_limit,765416243},“, " {disk_free_limit,50000000},”, " {disk_free,21593575424},“, " {file_descriptors,”, " [{total_limit,924},{total_used,2},{sockets_limit,829},{sockets_used,0}]},“, " {processes,[{limit,1048576},{used,239}]},”, " {run_queue,0}, “, " {uptime,326},”, " {kernel,{net_ticktime,60}}]"], “warnings”: }

TASK [rabbitmq : stop the rabbitmq service before updating the nodename] *******
changed: [localhost] => {“changed”: true, “name”: “rabbitmq-server”, “state”: “stopped”}

TASK [rabbitmq : Apply RabbitMQ environment Node Name] *************************
ok: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “gid”: 982, “group”: “rabbitmq”, “mode”: “0640”, “owner”: “rabbitmq”, “path”: “/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitm q-env.conf”, “secontext”: “system_u:object_r:etc_t:s0”, “size”: 46, “state”: “file”, “uid”: 987}

TASK [rabbitmq : Apply RabbitMQ Configuration] *********************************
ok: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “gid”: 982, “group”: “rabbitmq”, “mode”: “0640”, “owner”: “rabbitmq”, “path”: “/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitm q.conf”, “secontext”: “system_u:object_r:etc_t:s0”, “size”: 112, “state”: “file”, “uid”: 987}

TASK [rabbitmq : Apply RabbitMQ Cookie] ****************************************
ok: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “gid”: 982, “group”: “rabbitmq”, “mode”: “0600”, “owner”: “rabbitmq”, “path”: “/var/lib/rabbitmq/.er lang.cookie”, “secontext”: “unconfined_u:object_r:rabbitmq_var_lib_t:s0”, “size”: 13, “state”: “file”, “uid”: 987}

TASK [rabbitmq : start and enable the rabbitmq service] ************************
changed: [localhost] => {“changed”: true, “enabled”: true, “name”: “rabbitmq-server”, “state”: “started”}

TASK [rabbitmq : wait for rabbitmq service to be running] **********************
ok: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “elapsed”: 0, “path”: null, “port”: 5672, “search_regex”: null, “state”: “started”}

TASK [rabbitmq : Activate rabbitmq plugins] ************************************
ok: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “disabled”: , “enabled”: }

TASK [rabbitmq : create the rabbitmq vhost] ************************************
ok: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “name”: “tower”, “state”: “present”}

TASK [rabbitmq : Set Cluster HA Policy] ****************************************
changed: [localhost] => {“changed”: true, “cmd”: “rabbitmqctl set_policy ha-all "." ‘{"ha-mode":"all", "ha-sync-mode":"automatic "}’ -p tower", “delta”: “0:00:00.491495”, “end”: “2017-06-08 14:08:24.141993”, “rc”: 0, “start”: “2017-06-08 14:08:23.650498”, “stderr”: “”, “stdout”: "Setting policy "ha-all" for pattern "." to "{\"ha-mode\":\"all\", \"ha-sync-mode\":\"automatic\"}" w ith priority "0" …”, “stdout_lines”: [“Setting policy "ha-all" for pattern ".*" to "{\"ha-mode\":\"all\", \"ha-sync-mod e\":\"automatic\"}" with priority "0" …”], “warnings”: }

TASK [rabbitmq : Stop rabbitmq app if we arent the first node] *****************
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [rabbitmq : Set Primary RabbitMQ hostname] ********************************
ok: [localhost] => {“ansible_facts”: {“rabbitmq_real_host”: “localhost”}, “changed”: false}

TASK [rabbitmq : Cluster all nodes to the first node] **************************
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [rabbitmq : Start rabbitmq app if we arent the first node] ****************
skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “skip_reason”: “Conditional check failed”, “skipped”: true}

TASK [rabbitmq : create the rabbitmq user] *************************************
An exception occurred during task execution. To see the full traceback, use -vvv. The error was: AttributeError: ‘list’ object has no attr ibute ‘startswith’
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “failed”: true, “module_stderr”: “Traceback (most recent call last):\n File "/tmp/ansi ble_rqdiK3/", line 302, in \n main()\n File "/tmp/ansible_rqdiK3/ansible_module_rabbitmq_user .py", line 274, in main\n if rabbitmq_user.get():\n File "/tmp/ansible_rqdiK3/", line 155, in get\n users = self._exec([‘list_users’], True)\n File "/tmp/ansible_rqdiK3/", line 150, in _exec\n rc, o ut, err = self.module.run_command(cmd + args, check_rc=True)\n File "/tmp/ansible_rqdiK3/ y", line 1993, in run_command\n File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/", line 261, in expanduser\n if not path.startswith(‘~’):\nA ttributeError: ‘list’ object has no attribute ‘startswith’\n”, “module_stdout”: “”, “msg”: “MODULE FAILURE”, “parsed”: false}

NO MORE HOSTS LEFT *************************************************************
to retry, use: --limit @install.retry

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
localhost : ok=73 changed=5 unreachable=0 failed=1

Hi Anfield,

i had the same problem, i found out that the text editor i used used the wrong type of apostrophe around the passwords i had entered. if you copy the completely verticle apostrophe tick from one of the other variables and replace them it works just fine!

hope this helps,
