Ansible Tower error of Deploying Dynatrace Oneagent on Windows Host | "unexpected rc from install C:\Temp\dynatrace-oneagent-windows-latest.exe: see rc, stdout and stderr for more details", "rc": 1602, "reboot_required"


I’m installing Dynatrace oneagent on Windows server, successfully downloaded the installer but it wont continue the installation because of this error.

Ansible Tower
Play: dynatrace oneagent install on windows
Task: install:execute oneagent install file
Module: win_package

“stderr_lines”: ,
“_ansible_no_log”: false,
“stdout”: “”,
“changed”: false,
“reboot_required”: false,
“stderr”: “”,
“rc”: 1602,
“msg”: “unexpected rc from install C:\Temp\dynatrace-oneagent-windows-latest.exe: see rc, stdout and stderr for more details”,

Exact Error:
TASK [install: execute oneagent install file] **********************************
fatal: []: FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “msg”: “unexpected rc from install C:\Temp\dynatrace-oneagent-windows-latest.exe: see rc, stdout and stderr for more details”, “rc”: 1602, “reboot_required”: false, “stderr”: “”, “stderr_lines”: , “stdout”: “”, “stdout_lines”: }


dynatrace oneagent install on windows# hosts_group → inventory group of hosts to execute playbook on# dt_api_endpoint → dynatrace environment api endpoint (include trailing /)# dt_api_token → dynatrace api install token# dt_host_group: → dynatrace host group name# dt_app_log_content_access: → flag to enable or disable log analytics on host (0 or 1)# dt_infra_only: → flag to set cloud infrastructure monitoring mode on host (0 or 1)# {65E3C889-BF02-4A22-9E22-5DCA88789582} v1.183.109 - live# {73CFAADA-499D-4B5F-A7D4-9687DDBDCAF5} v1.183.151 - practice


I'm installing Dynatrace oneagent on Windows server, successfully downloaded the installer but it wont continue the
installation because of this error.

Hello Richard,

please reach out to RedHat Support, this list is only for Ansible and not for Tower nor AWX.


Hello All,

I am looking for dynatrace oneagent ansible playbook for windows installation. Could someone please share the steps for installation?
