Ansible Tower Dashboard

I am in the process of setting up Ansible and Ansible Tower for some infrastructure, and have found Tower’s organization to be straightforward and intuitive. Projects, Inventories, Job Templates, all make sense, and provide useful answers and methods to solve everyday ops problems. Furthermore, the credential management, permissions system, and YAML playbook format make orchestration development easy.

One thing that I haven’t figured out yet is, what insights does the landing page of Ansible Tower provide? The “Jobs over time” graph is front and center, but I don’t really see what value it would provide me. Knowing how many failures happened over time wouldn’t really be important to me. I want to know what failed, and how to fix it. The same goes for the “host status” tab, which is a big picture of the Japanese flag that doesn’t tell me much right now.

“Recently used job templates” and “Recently run jobs” definately make sense, because I may want to re-run them, or perhaps they’re used often. What might be even better is if Tower could be customized to have “favorite” or “most used” jobs.

What useful insight has the dashboard given you? Is it possible to customize it? Has anyone ever tried to customize it?

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