Ansible Tower and Facts

- name: Set facts
       dummy_fact: "Hello world"
       cacheable: yes
  delegate_to: fake_host
  delegate_facts: true

This sets the fact in the hostname fake_host just fine.
I have tried to target the playbook using host: fake_host but the playbook
run tells me the host is invalid or something to that effect.

This *can't* set the fact in the hostname fake_host just fine if the host
in not valid. The play

  - hosts: all
      - set_fact:
          dummy_fact: "Hello world"
          cacheable: yes
        delegate_to: fake_host
        delegate_facts: true
        run_once: true
      - debug:
          var: hostvars.fake_host.ansible_facts
        run_once: true

should report

    "hostvars.fake_host.ansible_facts": "VARIABLE IS NOT DEFINED!"

Can someone tell me if this is even possible to do? Possible to target

If the host is valid. All works as expected. For example, the playbook
  - hosts: all
      - set_fact:
          dummy_fact: "Hello world"
          cacheable: yes
        delegate_to: test_01
        delegate_facts: true
        run_once: true
      - debug:
          var: hostvars.test_01.ansible_facts
        run_once: true

  - hosts: test_01
      - debug:
          var: hostvars.test_01.ansible_facts
      - meta: clear_facts
      - debug:
          var: hostvars.test_01.ansible_facts


  PLAY [all]
  ok: [test_01] => {
    "hostvars.test_01.ansible_facts": {
        "dummy_fact": "Hello world"

  PLAY [test_01]
  ok: [test_01] => {
    "hostvars.test_01.ansible_facts": {
        "dummy_fact": "Hello world"
  ok: [test_01] => {
    "hostvars.test_01.ansible_facts": {}

To make it reproducible test it without tower. HTH,


This list is for Ansible and not Tower, please contact RedHat for support on Tower.