Ansible Tower 2.3.1 inventory limiting for job templates

I’m trying to limit job runs to specific machines. The Ansible inventory in Tower has the concept of groups within groups, which is convenient, but I cannot find out how to use that in the “Limit” field during job template creation to do something more specific than choosing top-level groups. To be clear, I do not want to use multiple groups. Instead, I want to select a very specific group of machines that exist within the scope of a larger group governing the environment of an application. I saw a presentation with a neat trick at the recent Ansible conference in SF, and want to try to apply it to my work.

I essentially want to apply limiting for an inventory structure as shown in:

I’d like to be able to limit a job template run to a pattern like: App → Specific purpose. It would be better if inventories could be chosen at run-time so that I won’t end up with templates prefixed by their targeted environment, but I guess that is a gripe for another day.

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