ansible taking a really long time

When I run: $ ansible all -m command -a uptime -o
for 97 hosts (Solaris and GNU/Linux) the command (just ran) takes 31 minutes.

How can I find where the time is being spent?
I have a custom ~/.ansible.cfg that specifies my inventory and “remote_tmp = $HOME/.ansible/tmp” (to get around a Solaris issue).
I have environment variables of ANSIBLE_INVENTORY and ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH. I’m running this on a RHEL 7 box that is idle.



two questions:

is your inventory dynamic? Is it running a script to fetch and create it each time?
second, what about running: ansible all -m ping
does that also take ~31 minutes to return?

Inventory is static and I’ll run the command when I back online. :slight_smile:


This morning the command “ansible all -m ping” took 34 seconds and my “standard” command “audible all -m command -a uptime -o” took 15 seconds. Maybe it was a fluke. Thank you Joseph for answering. I’ll monitor throughout the day.
