Ansible /SSH questions?


I am trying to understand something between SSH and ansible set on inventory. I am running a playbook deployment and whenever I set the inventory like that : [status] qastatus ansible_ssh_user=ansible ansible_ssh_host= ansible_ssh_private_key_file=~/credentials/ansible_id_rsa I am having permission denied but when I set like that

[status] ansible_connection=local it start running the deployment process find and stop here:

TASK: [nodejs_app | Pull down code] ******************************************* failed: [] => {“changed”: true, “cmd”: [“s3cmd”, “-c”, “/root/.s3cfg”, “get”, “s3://snapav-code/cs-system-status/cs-system-status-7ab76c7ec22af26fa3605d55750b6050e5ca17d5-2015-11-02_03-23-46–75.tar.gz”, “/var/cs-apps/cs-system-status/7ab76c7ec22af26fa3605d55750b6050e5ca17d5-2015-11-02_03-23-46–75”], “delta”: “0:00:00.148056”, “end”: “2015-11-02 22:45:36.958560”, “item”: “”, “rc”: 1, “start”: “2015-11-02 22:45:36.810504”} stderr: ERROR: /root/.s3cfg: Permission denied ERROR: Configuration file not available. ERROR: Consider using --configure parameter to create one.

I don’t know why ??? what should I do to fix it ?


It’s looking for an .s3cfg file on your local machine - which it either can’t find or it can’t read.

  1. Does it exist?
  2. Can the local user read it?
  3. Of course, the .s3cfg needs to be configured properly - looks like may be helpful here

What exactly is the playbook meant to do?


The playbook is supposed to deploy a git repo on another server.
the thing is from the ansible I am able to ssh the slave( I mean the other server)

  1. locally not it doesn’t exist on the master which is an EC2 instance as well the slave